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Why does Component Testing matter?

A common term mentioned in testing circles over the last few years is the concept of ‘Shift Left’, more precisely it is the idea that testing should be done earlier in the software development life cycle. The ‘Shift left’ concept is nothing new, starting with iterative development and now with the rise in popularity of Agile, modern applications these days typically consist of more and more building blocks, small self-contained components developed, tested and delivered every few weeks.

Developing an application in small bite-size morsels means that testing is no longer waiting on development to finish, as each user story is developed, it can be tested, meaning that any issues can be uncovered early and are cheaper and easier to resolve.

In This Chapter

So, how is it done?

It functions, but does it Scale?

Let’s test it and find out

Web Services




So what’s next…

See Also

Design - General

Create Business Transactions

Log in with multiple accounts using a CSV file

Create realistic populations

Validate a server response

Execute Java code

Tunnel mode: Record a mobile application

How to extend NeoLoad capacities using Custom Advanced Actions