Importing Requirements Using Excel Import

qTest Manager allows you to store Requirements so that testers can easily access information for test coverage. You can create Requirementsor Import Requirements. Note: Many users will have already created Requirements in another tool, such as Jira. To import Requirements from an external tool using an out-of-the-box integration, see the following articles:

Even if you import Requirements from an external tool, you can still separately manage Requirements that are not integrated.

If you import requirements from Excel. these requirements will be created in qTest Manager without being integrated with these external tools.

Create New Requirements Using Excel Import

You can import Requirements from an Excel spreadsheet. This feature can be useful if you prefer not to create each Requirement one at a time in the interface. To Import Requirements, we recommend using the Sample Import Template. If you already have Requirements in a different spreadsheet, you will need to modify the spreadsheet to mirror the Sample Import Template format so fields can be mapped properly into qTest Manager.

HINT: If you want to create Requirements with custom fields or values, make sure to create custom fields or modify any system fields in Field Settings first. For more details, see the Field Settings article.

To import Requirements from the template, perform the following steps.

  1. Select the Requirements Module. The Requirements page is displayed.

  2. Select the Import Excel icon, located in the left panel.

  3. The Import Requirement Wizard pop-up is displayed. Click the Sample Import template link (located in the second paragraph of the Import Requirement Wizard) to download the Sample Import template.

  4. Fill out the spreadsheet, entering the Requirement ID, Requirement Name, requirement text, requirement status (i.e., New, etc.), tester assigned to the requirement, requirement priority, and requirement type (i.e., functional, non-functional). If you wish, you can create custom fields on the spreadsheet.

  5. Save the Excel file.

  6. On the Import Requirement Wizard pop-up window, select the click here to pick from a folder link.

  7. Drag and drop the Excel file or select the applicable file from a folder to import it into qTest Manager. The file must be in the .xls or xlsx format. Select the Next icon on the Import Requirement Wizard pop-up window. The Import Requirement Wizard re-displays.

  8. Drag and drop the column names from the imported spreadsheet next to the corresponding qTest Manager Requirement field to complete the field mapping. If you are importing new Requirements, do NOT map the Requirement ID, since qTest Manager will system-generate an identifier to each Requirement you import.

    To create Requirements with custom fields or values, make sure to create custom fields or modify any system fields in Field Settings first. Otherwise, those fields cannot be mapped in the Import Wizard.
  9. Click the Import button to import the spreadsheet into qTest Manager.

  10. When an Excel file is being uploaded, a loading icon will be shown that when hovered over will advise: "The file is being scanned for virus and malware before being processed." Upon clicking the Next button: "Imported file(s) are being scanned for virus and malware. Please wait until the scanning process is done to proceed." When the imported file is scanned successfully and is "clean", you can proceed to the mapping step. If the imported file is scanned successfully and is "infected", the file name will show as: (Infected) filename.xls. Upon clicking the Next button, a message will display: "Some of the imported file(s) are found virus or malware infected and cannot be processed. Please remove the infected file(s) to proceed." If multiple files are being imported and at least one of them is "infected", you will be unable to import any of the files until the infected ones are removed.If the imported file fails to be scanned, an error message will display and the import process will stop: "The file cannot be scanned for virus or malware at the moment. Please try again later."

Modify Existing Requirements using Excel Import

You can upload changes to requirements that currently exist in qTest Manager by using an Excel import. To do this, export Requirements from qTest Manager into an Excel file. Edit the file in Excel and then import the file to qTest Manager to update existing Requirements. This functionality enables you to upload all updates at one time, rather than modify one Requirement at a time in the qTest Manager interface.

The process is similar to importing new Requirements from an Excel file only there are some important rules to keep in mind.

  • To determine the Module ID, select the Toggle icon on the top toolbar of Requirements, next to the Export Requirement Reports icon and check to toggle Modules.

  • Make sure to enter the correct Module ID and Module Name you want to import for the Excel sheet name. Otherwise, the system cannot find the right Module you want to import/update.

  • Although qTest Manager supports the Module name's length of up to 500 characters, the Excel sheet name is limited to 31 characters. Therefore, do not enter a long Module name.

  1. An easy way to start modifying existing Requirements is to first export the Requirements Detail Report from the toolbar above the left navigation panel in the Requirements tab. The downloaded Excel file will show the existing content which you can continue to modify in the Excel file before uploading it back to qTest Manager with the updated information.

  2. When importing information in an Excel spreadsheet to update an existing Requirement, you must map the exact Requirement IDs to indicate which Requirements you are updating. The Requirement ID is displayed in an individual Requirement at the top of the page, as shown in the following screenshot.

    The Requirement ID can also be displayed in front of the Requirement name in the left panel by selecting the Toggle IDs display icon (the top right icon in the left panel) and selecting the Requirements checkbox from the pop-up window. The ID appears in front of the Requirement name in the left panel.

  3. The Excel sheet name you are importing must include the Module ID and Folder Name and must not exceed 31 characters. To update Requirements in the MD-25 Untitled folder (see the screen shot below), the sheet name should be the content inside the brackets: <MD-25 Untitled>. The Module ID can be displayed in front of the Module Name in the left panel by selecting the Toggle IDs display icon and selecting the Modules checkbox from the pop-up window.

  4. IMPORTANT: If you do not map Requirement IDs, but rename the Excel sheet by Module ID + Name, you will add new Requirements into existing Modules. If you map Requirement IDs with an incorrectly mapped Module ID / Name in the Excel sheet name, qTest Manager will generate an invalid Requirement ID Value error and the import will fail.