Scenario 2.2.2 Release Notes


We are pleased to announce the Release of Scenario 2.2.2 to our OnPremise customers. This Release includes several enhancements such as working with multiple repos, branch management, as well as compatibility with JIRA Service desk and JBehave.

Note, that with this new version, there have been changes to Scenario configuration, as well as the BDD workflow. Read these articles for additional information:

Enhanced Environment for Working with Repos

Users can now link multiple Git Repositories to a single JIRA Project. This is very useful for teams using "components," or, teams that are using multiple kinds of applications within the same JIRA project. 

Within one JIRA Project, you must only link Git Repositories from the same Git Host. You cannot mix and match Git Hosts within one project. For example, you cannot have a JIRA project that is linked to two Git Repositories from Bitbucket and one from Github. 

Use Case

I have an application with a web, Android, and iOS front end, and these are all managed in the same JIRA project. Each front end is linked to its own separate BDD Git Repository from Bitbucket. Now, I can link to all three of these Repositories within my one JIRA Project.

GitLab Support

qTest Scenario now supports all versions of Gitlab, which includes:

  • GitLab Cloud

  • GitLab Enterprise Edition

  • GitLab Community Edition

Only one git provider can be used per JIRA Project, but multiple repos may be used per git provider across multiple projects. For example, if you have a JIRA Project (P1) and you have repos in both GitLab Cloud and Bitbucket, you will only be able to use one of them for P1. But, if you have two JIRA Projects (P1 and P2), and they both use the same provider, they can fetch data from multiple repos from within that same provider.
When integrating Scenario with Gitlab, you must use a Personal Access Token and not a password. For information on how to access your Personal Access Token, please refer to this article.

GitLab support has the same functionality that both GitHub and Bitbucket currently have in Scenario. So, JIRA Admins are able to:

  • Add a GitLab repo

  • Set up and select a default branch from their GitLab instance

Non-admin users in JIRA are able to:

  • Create features for JIRA tickets

  • Link and unlink feature files

  • Switch branches

  • Switch repos

  • Search feature file

    This is an optional ability and depends on the GitLab api/sdk.
Users cannot change an already existing feature file's name from within Jira.

Branch Management

Users can now better manage branches. When configuring your Git Repository, you can now set up a default branch. You can also set up a branch on the issue.

The default branch will be automatically selected when you open up the new issue. For the previous issue (linked to the feature), the previous branch will be loaded instead of the default branch.

When linking your BDD feature, you can select your default branch from already-existing branches.

Compatibility with JIRA Service Desk and JBehave

JIRA Service Desk

qTest Scenario is now compatible with JIRA Service Desk and is compatible with the latest versions of JIRA (v7.12) and JIRA Service Desk (v3.15x). 


qTest Scenario 2.1.0 is now compatible with both .feature and .story as file extensions. This is the first step towards full compatibility with JBehave.

This compatibility is only present insofar as it supports the .story file extension. This DOES NOT mean that Scenario is fully compatible with JBehave. But, do be on the lookout for a future Release in which JBehave.Syntax is supported.

Enhanced Search Capabilities 

Users can also search for feature files faster by searching from within the Scenario UI. Previously, users had to search from within the git Provider API.

Changing the qTest Site from within Scenario

You can now change the linked qTest site from within Scenario. This is helpful for Administrators who may work within multiple qTest sites, and also helps Admins better activate Enterprise Features.

Auto-scanning Source Code

Developers can now auto-scan Scenario source code in order to detect Open Source issues.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Ticket # Component Description
17967 Navigation The BDD Scenario section is no longer at the bottom of the issue below the comments, and is, instead, below the description section.
19583, 19186 Search There is now greater pagination when searching for branches and feature files. 
NA Feature files

Feature file names and paths are no longer forcibly changed to lowercase letters. This was affecting users' integrations with Bitbucket.

NA Visual

The Scenario version number now displays at the bottom of the page.

NA Actions

Users can now create, edit, and delete actions from within the Enterprise Settings tab.

NA Repositories

You can create a new repository when using a new JIRA account.

NA JIRA Access

Users within a private JIRA instance with Read-only access can now view Scenarios. Previously, these users needed Editor access in order to view Scenario. from within a private JIRA instance.

NA Feature Files

Feature file searching has been improved. Users can now search for a feature file from within a subfolder and link that feature file to a ticket. Previously, users could only search for feature files from outside of the subfolder and were unable to select or link to tickets.