qTest Integration Compatibility

The information below displays the compatibility between qTest OnDemand versions and integrating applications.

Read the important information for Jira Server/DC Add-on 6.11.14 and 8.0.4 .

Tricentis certifies our Jira and Scenario add-ons within 90 days of Atlassian's release date. Certification is scheduled around current development efforts and could be delayed up to the full 90 day limit.
If customers choose to upgrade their Jira Server/DC to an unsupported/uncertified version, then you are not eligible for Support for the Jira or Scenario add-ons until that Jira Server/DC version is certified/supported by Tricentis. This can delay your ticket resolution times.
Tricentis does not advise updating to a Jira Server/DC version outside of the listed compatible versions for the Jira or Scenario add-ons. We encourage all customers to review add-on compatibility prior to making any decisions.

Jira add-on

For information on the Jira add-on versions and download links, visit the Atlassian Marketplace

Scenario add-on

For information on the Scenario add-on versions and download links, visit the Atlassian Marketplace






Tosca Server 13.4 to 14.1

CI Tools

CI Tools Compatibility Matrix