Sessions 4.0.2 Release Notes

October 23, 2017

New features

Filtering Sessions using Queries

This feature provides a much more flexible way to filter sessions using queries. User can either use the built-in queries, or create her own ones then share it with project team members. For more detail about this feature, refer to Filtering and Reporting Sessions.

Export test case to Excel format, removed CSV format.

This Release adds an ability to export test case to Microsoft Excel format which allows to embed and view captured screenshot associated with each test case step.

With this added functionality, CSV format has been removed.

Bug fixes

  • Redirect wrong tab when clicking on qTest INTEGRATION BROWSER PLUGINS

  • When exporting session, there is a warning message that reads "It might take several time to export # screen(s)...", where # is the actual screens to be exported. The message now has been updated to "It might take several minutes to export # screen(s)..."