Security Screen

The Security screen is used to configure advanced security rules for qTest Manager. These configurations are optional and can be disabled at any time. Only users that are assigned an Administrator profile can access the Security screen.

To access the Security screen, hover your cursor over your username at the top of qTest Manager. Select Administration on the menu that appears. Then click the Security tab.

The following sections are available on the Security screen.

Account Login Management

The Account Login Management section is used to manage the qTest account password criteria for your organization.


The following options are available for configuring password management.

Option Description
Users are requested to update password after __ days

Select this check box to enable options for updating passwords.

Enter the number of days that users can use a password for before the password must be changed. For example, enter 75 to indicate that a user can use the same password for 75 days before needing to create a new password.

Unchanged passwords will be invalid and accounts will be deactivated after __ days

Enter the number of days after which accounts with unchanged passwords should be deactivated. For example, enter 90 to indicate that a user has 90 days to change their password after being initially requested to before their account is deactivated.

This field is only available if the Users are requested to update password after __ days check box is selected.

User can reuse an old password after __ distinct passwords

Enter the number of distinct passwords a user must have before they can reuse a previously used password. For example, enter 8 to indicate that a user must have eight unique passwords before they can use a password that they used before those eight passwords.

This field is only available if the Users are requested to update password after __ days check box is selected.

Maximum # of login attempts with invalid password is __ times

Select this check box to enable a maximum number of log in attempts.

Enter the number of times a user can attempt to log in with an invalid password before their account is deactivated. For example, enter 10 to indicate that a user can attempt to log in 10 times before the account is deactivated for security purposes.

Password Policy

As a Site Administrator, you can configure additional qTest password requirements, such as the minimum password length and whether passwords should include special characters. By default, qTest passwords must be between 8 and 16 characters and must include at least one number and one letter.


The following options are available for configuring password requirements.

Option Description
Use custom policy Select this check box to indicate that you want to configure specific qTest password requirements rather than using the default requirements.
Minimum password length must be __ characters

Enter the minimum number of characters that qTest passwords must contain. Passwords must contain at least eight characters.

This check box is automatically selected.

Password must contain Select this check box to define specific types of characters that passwords must include. Select the option check boxes to set the corresponding requirements. For example, select the Lowercase letters check box to indicate that passwords must include at least one lowercase letter.

Audit Log

qTest Manager automatically logs user and site administrator events related to security, such as failed user log in attempts and events related to user groups. Using the Audit Log section, you can select the range of dates to export and the events that should be included in the log. Audit logs are retained for one year. Click Export to export the Audit Log as a .csv file.

The Audit Log was not available until the 8.4.6 release on May 24, 2017. Therefore, audit logs are not available before that date.


The Audit Log includes the events you select, as well as the following information for each event.

  • The time stamp

  • The application code, such as Manager or Explorer

  • The associated username (external username, authentication system)

  • The event category

  • The source IP address of the associated user

  • The log in source, such as Web or API, and log in details

Mail Recipients Management

The Mail Recipients Management section is used to define external email addresses and domain names that qTest Manager is allowed to send reports and other data to. Email addresses that are already associated with qTest users on the Licenses tab do not need to be entered here. Use a semicolon (;) to separate each email address.


Outbound Request Properties

The Outbound Request Properties section is used to specify custom HTTP headers and values at the site level for all outbound requests from qTest to Tosca. These headers and values can be used to include specific information in outbound requests from qTest to Tosca.

To add a new header, click Add Custom Header. A new row appears in the headers table, where you can enter a header name in the Header column and a corresponding value in the Value column. Click Save to save the new header. To delete a header, click the Delete icon in the Action column.

Private Key

The Private Key section is used to define a private key for use with Jira OAuth. This is not a required field if you are using a public key for your Jira OAuth. The private key displayed here is read only. The qTest default private key displays upon initial load of the screen, if you are already using Jira OAuth.

Private keys must be in PKCS #8 format. If you are using a non-PKCS #8 key, you will need to convert it using OpenSSL with the following command. The [server.key] value is the name of your non-PKCS #8 key, and the [server-pkcs8.key] value is the name of the converted key.

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in [server.key] -out [server-pkcs8.key] –nocrypt

To upload a private key:

  1. If your private key is passphrase protected, enter the passphrase in the Passphrase field.

    If your private key is not passphrase protected, proceed to step 2.

  2. Click Upload private key.

  3. Select the file containing your private key. Your private key must be in OpenSSL format.

    Your private key will replace the qTest default private key.

    The private key will display decrypted in the UI but will display encrypted within your database.
  4. Click Save.

Once your private key is saved, you will need to reconfigure your Jira integration for Jira OAuth.