Create JUnit for Java Agent from Launch

Updated: starting from qTest Launch 1.3 and Automation Host version 2.1.0, you can integrate your JUnit for Java project with Universal Agent following these instructions.

In this article, we will walk you through how to add a new JUnit for Java agent to a specific agent host from qTest Launch.

Follow this article to learn how to access to a specific host in qTest Launch in order to create a new Agent.


  1. Activate Automation Integration

  2. Install and Register the Automation Host

Step 1

Download the sample JUnit automation project at and save it to your local machine.

  • On Windows. D:\junit-sample

  • On Linux or Mac. /usr/local/junit-sample

Structure of JUnit project:

  • Dependency libraries are under libs folder

  • The automation project that will be packaged in .jar file, and located at /target/junit-sample-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Step 2

Execute the command below to compile automation project and package it:

mvn clean compile package test

Step 3

Access to qTest Launch then locate a host that you want to create a new agent and open its detail dialog. On the host detail dialog, click on Agents tab then Click on + New Agent button. You will be presented with the New Agent dialog, as shown below:

General Information

  • Agent Name: name of the new agent, e.g. New Agent

  • qTest Manager Project: select a project that the new agent will be associated with, e.g. qConnect - Sample Project

  • Agent Type: JUnit for Java

Test Scripts

  • Directory (required): specify the path to your JUnit source code that you have downloaded in step 1

  • Scripting libs (optional): provide a path to the dependency libraries (files or folders). You can input more than one path, separated by a comma. If all of your libraries are under one folder, you can simply put its path here

  • Include (required): define patterns to scan for tests in the automation project (methods/classes) using ANT Style Pattern Matcher. Use a comma as a separator between patterns.

  • Exclude: define patterns to ignore tests (method/classes) when scanning using ANT Style Pattern Matcher

HINT: ANT Style Pattern Matcher uses the following rules:

  • matches one character.

  • * matches zero or more characters.

  • ** matches zero or more 'directories' in a path.

Test Scripts example on Windows

Test Scripts example on Linux or Mac


JUnit Agent supports 3 execution modes to Build and run your test project: Command, Ant, Maven. You need to provide different information depending on the execution mode you choose.

Execution mode: Maven

  • Executable home: input the path to the directory where Maven is installed

  • Goal: input the goal defined in your POM file to deploy your project

  • POM file: provide the path to your POM file, which is located under the home directory of your test source code. Please note that this is the relative path under your scripting directory.

  • Command arguments: provide any additional arguments to execute the target

Screenshots below show an example of Maven execution mode information.

Windows Example:

Linux or Mac Example:

Execution mode: Ant

  • Executable home: path to the directory where Ant is installed

  • Target: specify which target to be executed. This is the name of the target which has been defined in your Build file.

  • Build file: path to your Build file in which the above target is defined. This file is located under the home directory defined in Test Scripts section of your test source code

  • Command arguments: provide additional arguments to execute the target

Screenshots below shows an example of Ant execution mode configuration

Windows Example

Linux or Mac Example:

Execution mode: Command

  • Executable home: input the path where JAVA/JDK is installed

  • Command: the command to execute your scripts

  • Command arguments: target directory where all built outputs are located plus any needed arguments

Below are examples of Command execution mode configuration.

Windows Example

  • Executable mode: Command

  • Executable home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144

  • Command: java

  • Command arguments: -cp “D:\junit-sample\target\*” org.junit.runner.JUnitCore "sample.SuitTest"

Linux or Mac Example

  • Executable mode: Command

  • Executable home: /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_144

  • Command: java

  • Command arguments: -cp “/usr/local/junit-sample/target/*” org.junit.runner.JUnitCore "sample.SuitTest"