Automation Host Docker Setup Instructions

In this article, we will walk you through how to set up the Automation Host in a Docker environment on an Ubuntu machine.

Setup the Automation Host

1. Create a Dockerfile at /path/to/agentctl/Dockerfile, enter content as below:

FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get update &&apt-get install -y git curl wget && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ENV AGENT_VERSION $TheAgentHostVersion
ENV PACKAGE_NAME agentctl-${AGENT_VERSION}-linux-x64-full.tgz


RUN set -x \
  && wget --no-check-certificate "$PACKAGE_URL" \
  && tar xvzf $PACKAGE_NAME -C $AGENT_HOME \
  && rm $PACKAGE_NAME \
  && mv agentctl-${AGENT_VERSION} agentctl

# install a junit sample
COPY ./junit-sample ${AGENT_HOME}/junit-sample/

# configure host
RUN ./agentctl/agentctl config -Phost= -Pport=${PORT}


COPY ./ /
RUN chmod u+wrx /


  • $TheAgentHostVersion: replace this value with the Automation Host version you want to install, e.g. 2.0.5

  • This example install junit sample code to demo junit for java plugin, you can download junit-sample to working folder (~/agent) and follow guide to Build the sample in this repository:

    # install a junit sample
    COPY ./junit-sample ${AGENT_HOME}/junit-sample

2. Create a file called and make it executable

Open in your chosen text editor and enter content as below:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
./agentctl/agentctl start

3. Build the image:

Docker Build -t agent:new .

Once the Docker Build command is successful, you'll see the output as below:

4. Run the container with the desired port:

$ Docker run -d -p 8080:6789 agent:new

When this command finished, wait for a couple of minutes for the Automation Host to be fully started.

Register the Automation Host with qTest Manager

  1. Open web browser and access to the host via this url: http://[host-ip-address]:8080. You will be presented with a UI like below.

  2. On the host UI, enter the following to register the Automation Host with qTest Manager:Host

    • Name: name of the automation host

    • qTest URL: URL of you qTest Manager instance

    • Full Name: your full name

    • qTest Token: the API token for the host to access to qTest Manager. Refer to Acquire your qTest API Token to get the API token. Note: If your environment is behind a proxy, select the Configure Proxy link and provide proxy configuration.

  3. Select Register.

When the registration is successful, you'll be presented with the Automation Host home page.

Create JUnit sample agent

  1. Select Add.

  2. On the New Agent dialog, enter the information for the new agent:

    • General Information

      • Agent Name: Name of the new egent, e.g. junit demo

      • qTest Manager Project: select a project that this Agent is associated with, e.g. qConnect Sample Project

      • Agent Type: JUnit for Java

    • Test Scripts

      • Directory: specify the path to your JUnit source code that you have downloaded. In this example, it's /usr/local/junit-sample

      • Scripting libs (optional): /usr/local/junit-sample/libs

      • Include (required): **/*.class

      • Exclude: leave this field empty

    • Execution

      • Execution Mode: Command

      • Executable home: /docker-java-home

      • Command: java

      • Command arguments: -cp “/usr/local/junit-sample/target/*” 

  3. Refer to the Legacy Automation Agent User Guides for more detail on how to create various type of agents to your automation host.

  4. Select Save & Scan. The Automation Host will create your agent and scan for test cases. When the scanning complete, you'll be presented with the Automation Test Case Mapping Wizard dialog as below screenshot.

  5. Select test cases then click Create to create test cases in qTest Manager.