Project Field Settings

Each project in qTest Manager has its own set of fields and Field Settings.

There are three different categories of fields:

  • A System Fieldis a default field created by qTest Manager.

  • A Custom Fieldis a field created by the user for a given project.

  • An Inherited Fieldis a field passed down from another artifact.

The Field Settings function can be used to modify existing System Fields, create Custom Fields and editthe field display order.

Field Management Overview Video

Watch in full-screen for the highest quality viewing.

Manage Field Settings

To manage Field Settings, follow these steps:

To manage Field Settings, you must haveProject Administrationpermissions.
  1. Select your Project.

  2. Select the Gear icon and select Field Settingsin the drop-down menu. The "Release" page displays.

  3. In the screenshot shown below, the five fields for the Release object are System Fields.

In the following example, when we select the Test Run artifact from the left panel. The Environment field is inherited:

The Environment Field is passed down from the Test Suite to the Test Run.Therefore, when you add a Test Run to a Test Suite, the Test Run will inherit the Environment value from the Test Suite. "Environment" is a special System Fieldthat automatically updates in Test Runsand Defectsas an inherited fieldwhen you add/edit its values in the Test Suite.

Modifying a System Field

System Fields are provided by default to help users define basic information for creating qTest Manager objects. Accordingly, users cannotdelete System Fields. However,allSystem Field Display Namesare editable. qTest Manager allows a maximum of 100 characters

To modify an existing System Field, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the applicable artifact in the left navigation panel. Each artifact (e.g., Release, Test Case, Test Run, etc.) has its own set of fields.In this example, we will select the Test Run artifact.

  2. Select the System Fieldthatyou want to modify by selecting the field in the "Display Name" column.

  3. The "Edit System Field" page displays.In the "Display Name" field, change the field’s display name.

  4. To add values, selectAdd Value.Enter the New Value name in the Display Name column.

  5. Select a color to associate with your value.

    You can also change the color associated with an existing value by selecting the "Color"field for the value and selecting a different color.
  6. If you want to hide a value for this field, you can make the value inactive by de-selecting the checkbox in the field for that value.

  7. SelectOK.

Take Note

  • Rich Text Editor,Text area, orText box: Display NameandDefault Valueare editable.

  • Combo box: Display Name and Values are editable.

    • You can customize allStatusfields ofRequirements,Test Cases,Test Runs, andDefects.

      • You can map colorstoStatusesofTest RunsandDefectsin their Field Settings.

    • Some combo-box System Fields will automatically populate values, and you can ONLY set theirDefault Values, including Affected Release/Build,Fixed Release/Build, Module, andTarget Release/BuildinDefects.

    • ForTarget Release/BuildinTest Suite, you can only change Display Name.

  • User-list, Auto-filled, and Date Picker: Only theDisplay Name is editable.For the field "Target Date" ofDefect, you can setCurrent Dateor aDefault Valuefor Target Date

Hiding Fields from the Display

Some fields, such as the Configuration field, can be hidden from the display. Some fields, such as the Status field, are required fields and cannot be hidden. To hide a field for a given artifact, you can make the field inactive by de-selecting the check box in the Active field for that field.

Re-ordering a Field Display

To reorder the field display, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the applicable artifact in the left navigation panel. In this example, the Test Suite artifact is selected.

  2. The "Test Suite" page displays.

  3. In theActioncolumn (wrench icon), you can select between either a down or up arrow. To move a field down, select thedown arrow.To move a field up, select theup arrow.

  4. Select thePreviewicon to review your work. The "Preview Test Suite fields" page displays.

  5. Select Back. The "Test Suite" page displays. SelectSave.

Add Custom Fields

  1. Select an artifact from the left navigation panel. In this example, we will select the Defect artifact. The "Defect" page displays.

  2. Selectthe+ Add Custom Fieldicon. The "Add Custom Field" dialog displays.

  3. Enter yourDisplay Name and choose aField Type.

  4. Select OK. The "Edit Custom Field" dialog displays.

  5. Select the "Required" checkbox to make the field required. In this example, a tester must fill in this custom field to save the Defect.

  6. For certain field types, such as Combo box, Multi selection combo box, and Checklist, you can define the values for the field. To do so, follow these steps:

      • SelectAdd Value: In the Display Name field, add a value associated with this field.Repeat this step as needed to add all the values associated with the field.

      Optionally, select the Default Value radio button to set a default value. In the example shown in the following screenshot, when a tester creates a new Defect, this required field will auto-populate with ‘Microwave’ as the value.

  7. SelectOKto save your changes.

Description of Each Field Type

Field Type Description
Rich text editor Multiple lines text input area integrated with an editing toolbar, maximum input characters allowed
Text box Single line text input area without editing toolbar, maximum input characters allowed = 300.
Text area Multiple lines text input area without editing toolbar, maximum input characters allowed = 500
Combo box Drop-down lists combined with a single-line editable textbox, allowing users to enter text to search.
User list Control that gets all active users directly from database and display on the screen for selection. Only one user can be selected at a time.
Auto-filled Label-style fields that automatically display some information such as usernames, date and time, etc.
Datepicker Control that allows users to select a specific date

Inherited Fields

Inherited Fields are fields that are automatically inherited from one artifact to another in your qTest Field Settings. There are several conditions surrounding artifacts' field inheritance:

  • Certain System fields can be inherited.

  • Any Custom Field made in the Test Suite will populate in the Test Run artifact. There is no way to change this behavior.

  • The Test Run's "Environment" field is inherited from Test Suite, and Defect's "Environment" field is inherited from Test Run.

The total number of Custom Fields in Test Run must include Inherited Custom Fields from the Test Suite and custom fields from the Test Run itself.


  • You can only reorder Inherited Fields' display in Test Run's Field Settings using the Move Up and Down arrows.

  • You cannot edit the properties of Inherited System Fields.

  • In order to edit Inherited Custom Fields, you must edit the source field. For example, if my Test Run inherited a Custom Field from my Test Suite, I'd have to edit that Custom Field in Test Suite and those changes would then take place in the Inherited field in Test Run.

    • The same applies to removing an Inherited Custom Field

  • Currently, there is no option to hide Inherited Custom Fields from Test Suite in Test Run.
