User Management Settings

Invite User to a Project

IMPORTANT: This article contains legacy information for qTest Manager versions 9.2.7 and earlier. For information on versions 9.3 and beyond, please refer to the Licenses and Users Article.

After users have been invited into the site (described in the article Invite Users to qTest Manager), you can invite users into a project and control their permissions.

Note: You must be a Project Administrator to use this functionality.  

Each project has its own separate data, settings, and users.  When a user is invited into a project, he or she will receive an email notification and can access the project in the Navigation Panel.

To invite users into a project, perform the following steps:

  1. In Manager, select the Gear icon. In the drop-down menu, select User Managment.

    IMPORTANT:  If the User Management option does not display in the drop-down menu, you must request and be granted Project Administrator privileges to create a new project.  

  2. In the left navigation panel, select the + icon.

  3. The "Add Project Users" dialog displays. Select users to which you want to send an invite to a project.

  4. Select OK. A notification email is sent to the user indicating they have been invited to the project. Once the user is invited to that project, they can access that project by selecting it in the drop-down list from the qTest header, as shown below:

Remove a User from a Project

To remove a user from a project, perform the following steps. 

  1. Select the Gear icon, and select User Management from the drop-down menu. The Project Admin page is displayed.  A list of users for the project is displayed in the left navigation panel.

  2. Select the user you want to delete from the project.  (You can select multiple users to delete by holding down the CTRL key.)  

  3. Select the Remove icon (the minus sign) in the left panel to remove the user(s).  The user(s) you remove will lose all permissions for this project and will no longer be able to access the project.

Edit User Permissions within a Project

Each user profile contains a predefined set of permissions (e.g., create a test case, approve a test case, etc.) and any user assigned that user profile receives those permissions. For example, inside a given project, the user might be assigned a Business Analyst user profile or a Project Admin user profile with a set of permissions associated with either role. A user profile can be assigned to different users, and is an easy way to standardize permissions for multiple users. For more details, check out this article: User Profiles

To give permissions based on a user profile, perform the following steps:

  1. In Manager, select your project in the left navigation panel.  

  2. Select the Gear icon and select User Management from the drop-down menu. The Project Admin screen displays. This page displays a list of all users in the selected project and the permissions for each user. Each checkbox represents specific permissions within the project. 

      User permissions are defined by the profile he or she is assigned. You can change a user’s permissions on a per project basis in one of two ways:   

    • Select the user in the left panel. Then, in the User Profile area of the page, select the down arrow and assign the user a different user profile (e.g., Business Analyst, Developer, etc.).

    • Customize the permissions granted to a user more specifically by selecting or deselecting various checkboxes in the user’s profile. 

When a user’s permissions are changed in this way, the updated permissions apply only to that user and have no impact on other users assigned that user profile.  

Select Save.

HINT: You can also change permissions for multiple users by modifying the user profile in Site Administration.  Those change will apply to any users assigned to that user profile.