Parameters 2.2.8 Release Notes


New API to search for multiple Parameters in one request.

Known Issues

There are security vulnerability issues reported by NodeJS community in Feb 2020: qTest Parameters is using NodeJS whose version is also affected. We will deliver the fix for this issue in the next Q2 OP release with the latest stable NodeJS version that fixed the issue.

Bug Fixes

Ticket # Component Description
34100 Test Case When a user edits a parameter, including associating the parameter to the projects they are a member of, the projects that were previously assigned to the parameter will be gone when the Parameter is saved. This caused the other user who is the member of the gone projects to be unable to use the parameter anymore. This has been fixed.
NA Security Fixed vulnerability issues
NA Parameters User cannot search for a parameter created by another user in the same Project from qTest. This has been fixed
NA Parameters A user can see a Test Case, which includes parameters, created by another user although they are in a different Project. This is now resolved.