Sessions 4.3.4 Release Notes

May 28, 2020

Submit Test Case enhancements

Rich-Text Formatting

As part of a Feature Request submitted by a customer, rich-text formatting is now retained for the Description and Precondition fields when exporting a recorded sessions to qTest Test Case via the Submit Test Case screen.

Additionally, when users choose to export to Excel, if either the Description or Precondition fields contain values, a message displays: "Description and Precondition fields will be converted to plain text when exporting to Excel. Do you want to proceed?"

Submit Screens Option

INC0243005: In the "Submit Test Case" dialog the Screens drop-down allows users to choose the "All screen" option, however only screens with a coordinating Test Step can be submitted. The All screens option is now updated to display the actual number of screens that can be submitted (having at least 1 step) and a note displays when the All screens option is selected: "Screens without actions are filtered out."

Bug fixes

Ticket # Component


INC0246405 Screenshots Desktop Explorer was not giving screenshots after completing the sessions. This is now fixed.