Manager 10.0.2 Release Notes

April 9, 2020

Review the End of Support Announcements for qTest for important information on upcoming API changes and additional deprecations.

Bug fixes

Ticket # Component Description
28231 Test Execution An issue was fixed in which test run properties were not consistently being saved in some scenarios when using the TestPad.
30395 TestPad An issue was fixed in which items attached to a test run on the TestPad were automatically being attached to other selected test runs.
31832 qTest App An issue was fixed in which an authentication object could not be found for a specific test run while using the qTest App.


Jira Integration An issue was fixed for a transactional task that created and updated qTest Properties in Jira, which caused the qTest iFrame in Jira to not display properly for customers using Jira with OAuth connections.