Manager 11.0 Release Notes

January 24, 2022

Tricentis is excited to announce the release of qTest Manager 11.0. This release includes exciting new features, as well as several security, API, and performance enhancements.

Selective Test Case sharing

Sharing a qTest Test Case to specific projects is now easier than ever. A user which was granted sharing rights to a number of projects can now specify which individual projects they want to share Test Cases with. This means that Test Cases won't be automatically shared with all the entitled projects, granting more flexibility to project administrators.

What does it mean?

Let's say you have the following projects in qTest:

  • Project Alpha

  • Project Beta

  • Project Gamma

  • Project Zeta

The administrator has enabled Test Case sharing from project Alpha to Beta and Zeta only. Before, when a user with the appropriate privileges in project Alpha shared a Test Case, it would be automatically shared with projects Beta and Zeta. Now, the same user can flexibly choose which of these two projects they want to share the Test Case with.

Centralized logs in qTest Manager

qTest Manager is now the centralized location for all your test runs, no matter where you execute your tests from. Whether you launched your tests via qTest or the Tricentis Tosca integration, your results will always be visible in qTest Manager.

Recycle bin permissions

You can now assign individual permissions to manage the recycle bin in qTest. This allows you to control hard deletes from the recycle bin for your organization.

Parameters and datasets now supported for expected results

You can now use parameters and datasets in the expected result text of test steps, providing greater flexibility when creating test runs from test cases.

To add a parameter to the expected results text, access the test case that you want to call a parameter in. On the test step row, click the Expected Result field to display the field as a text edit box. In the text edit box, type an @ (at sign). Then type and select the identifier of the parameter that you want to call.

For more information about using parameters and datasets in test cases, refer to Use Parameters and Datasets.

These parameters will now display throughout the qTest UI, including in the test case's history, in linked defects, on the TestPad, and on the Create Test Runs dialog, as well as in the results for the Test Run API and Test Log API.

API enhancements

New webhook events

New webhook events been added to the Webhook API, allowing you to trigger notifications when requirements are created, deleted, or updated. Following are the new webhook events that you can now register using the POST /api/v3/webhooks API.

  • requirement_created

  • requirement_deleted

  • requirement_updated

For more information about these new webhook events, refer to Requirements.

Specify webhook message response type

You can now specify the response type of a webhook message using the new responseType property for the following APIs. The supported response types are text and JSON.

In addition, the following APIs now return the response type in the response.

Other additional improvements

  • Parameters are now correctly displayed in the Step Description and Expected Result fields of a Test Case created via API.

  • Several background changes have been made to improve the overall API functionality.

New API call: bulk updates to test cases

You can now update several test cases at the same time using the new API call /api/v3/projects/{projectID}/test-cases/update/testcases.

Learn more...

Performance enhancements

Several background changes have been made to improve the overall performance and parameter functionality in qTest Manager.

Bug fixes

Ticket # Component Description
INC0315653, INC0283491 qTest Manager

Fixes an issue which caused blank attributes and made the Defects tab unavailable.


qTest Manager

Addresses an issue with the creation of test cycles when any user opened the Test Project option. You can now set specific user permissions for the Test Project option.


qTest Manager

Fixes an issue which caused the import functionality of the Test Design tab to become unavailable.


qTest Manager

Fixes an issue which caused the message "We are very busy updating the system” to be displayed.