Manager 11.1 Release Notes

April 25, 2022

Tricentis is excited to announce the release of qTest Manager 11.1. This release includes new user profile management features, API enhancements, and multiple bug fixes.

E-mail address management

Users who have rights to modify profile data can now change email addresses of local and users. To do so, navigate to the Administration area, choose a profile, and select the action Edit Projects and Profiles.

Note that email address changes are only possible for internal users.

API enhancements

You can now use the search API to query objects in any given project using an object's PID. This allows you to easily retrieve test artifacts such as requirements, test cases, and defects. To do so, simply include the object's PID as the ID of your query.


In this example, you use /api/v3/projects/{projectId}/search to query a test case whose PID is TC-231.

  "object_type": "test-cases",
  "fields": [
  "query": "'id' = 'TC-235'"

Bug fixes

Ticket # Component Description

CS0339518 , CS0340919, CS0342112, CS0342012, CS0342374

qTest Manager

Fixes an issue which caused test run e-mail notifications to not be sent.


Tricentis Tosca integration

Fixes an issue which resulted in imported test cases being updated with an incorrect PID.