Manager 2023.3 Release Notes

May 24, 2023

We changed how we version our releases! Now, our releases follow a version convention of <year>.<sequential>.<patch>. For example, Manager 2023.3.1 will be the first patch of 2023.3.

API updates

Search by LDAP username

Now, you can search for users by LDAP with the new optional parameter ldapConfigIds in the /api/v3/users/search API call. Add the LDAP username ID in the search request to return the LDAP user details.

Read more in our Swagger.

Bug fixes

Ticket # Component Description
qTest - Manager Fixes an issue where exports fail for test steps with empty custom columns or attachments.
CS0351534 qTest - Manager Fixes an issue that causes test cases in a folder to reorder at random after a user copies and pastes a test case in the same folder.
CS0382779, CS0384781 qTest - Vera Fixes an issue that causes test run versions to incorrectly increase when the associated test case is approved in Vera.
  qTest - API Fixes an issue that causes the Requirement call for Test Runs to return an incorrect error message.
CS0376373 qTest - Jira integration Fixes an issue that causes the Fix Versions field to be unavailable in Jira 9.x when the window has more than 50 fields.
CS0375369 Site Administration Fixes an issue that causes the program to delete existing administrators when a customer adds a new administrator with Assign Users.
CS0357361 Site Administration Disabling the Edit Test Case Assignment permission now correctly restricts users from adding or removing assignees on a test case.

Known issues

Disabled Jira migration button

We've disabled the Add & Migrate Jira Connection button in Integration Settings while we improve our migration process. You can still work directly with our teams to migrate your Jira instance. Please reach out to our Support team for assistance whenever you're ready to migrate.