Manager 2023.4 Release Notes

June 26, 2023

With Manager 2023.4, we've added two new webhooks and some bug fixes to improve your qTest experience.

New webhooks

We added new defect_linked and defect_unlinked webhooks that notify you when defects are linked to or unlinked from test runs and test logs. With this, you can track newly assigned defects or view defects that are no longer relevant to a test run.

Read more in our Swagger.

Bug fixes

Ticket # Component Description
CS0382109 Manager The Date filter in Test Execution now displays the correct date range.
CS0389370 Manager Users can now successfully copy test cases that don't have custom test step columns to a different project.
Various Manager Permissions and access now automatically update for users added or removed from Project Admin user groups.
Various Manager New projects added to a user group are now assigned to existing users in the group.
Various Test Execution The exported report for selected test runs in the Test Execution tab now displays all custom fields in the test steps.
Various qTest - Vera integration Users can no longer change the name of a test case that is Routed for Approval or Approved in Vera.
Various qTest - Vera integration Users can no longer change the name of a test run that is Routed for Approval or Approved in Vera.
CS0340730 qTest - Vera integration The Vera Approval Status field now updates to Draft when new requirements are linked to a test case, creating a minor version change in the test case.