Pulse 9.3.5 Release Notes

May 10, 2021

The following updates have been made for the qTest Pulse 9.3.5 release.

New link for requesting new features

The Suggest New Feature option in the Help menu has been renamed to Request New Feature. In addition, this option now directs you to the new Tricentis Idea portal, allowing you to more easily request features and suggest improvements for qTest.

Support for SCRAM-SHA-256 PostgreSQL authentication

The PostgreSQL authentication method has been updated to SCRAM-SHA-256 for encryption.

Version endpoint now accessible from browser

Previously, when attempting to access an endpoint version using the "/version" format in a browser, Pulse identified the address as a "Not Found" page and redirected users back to the root page. To obtain the version information with a specific endpoint, users had to find alternate methods. With this enhancement, you can now use the "/version" format in a browser address bar to successfully access the version information for a specific endpoint.

Bug fixes

Ticket # Component


N/A Pulse

An issue was fixed in which Pulse could not be properly accessed using the Product Navigator.

N/A   An issue was fixed in which users were unable to retrieve execution data using the Pulse execution API.