Configure qTest Scenario with OAuth

As of qTest Scenario 3.3.0+, Scenario can be configured to work with OAuth for either Jira Server or Jira Data Center. This article outlines how to set up this configuration.


You need to have generated a Client and Server key pair.

You can find the instructions below.

The account that setup Scenario must have the Global Administration permission.

qTest Scenario does not support Jira Cloud through OAuth.

Enable Jira Server/Jira Data Center to use OAuth for qTest Scenario

Before configuring Scenario to work with OAuth, your qTest and Jira Integration should also be using OAuth.

If your qTest Project is already using a Jira Connection, do not create a new connection, simply edit your existing connection.
  • New Jira Integrated Project to use with OAuth

    • Jira Server/Data Center

  • Edit an Existing Jira Integrated Project to use with OAuth.

    • Jira Server/Data Center

The consumer key must be entered exactly in this format: qTest

Configure Scenario to Work with OAuth

  1. From your Jira instance, select Jira System in the Gear button beside the account image.

  2. The Administrator page updates, select the Add-ons tab.

  3. Choose Manage add-ons at the left navigation panel.

  4. Select qTest Scenario - BDD for Jira add-on. Then choose Configure.

  5. The Plug-in Configuration page of qTest Scenario will load. Scroll down to the Basic Authentication and Jira OAuth sections.

  6. Configure OAuth private key: Copy the content of the Private key file, and then paste into the corresponding text box. If the private key has a passphrase, then type it into the Passphrase field.

    Key decryption is only supported for pkcs8 format.
  7. Configure access token (required): Enter oauth in the Username field and leave the Password field empty.

  8. Select Save Configuration.

  9. The user will be redirected to the Jira authorization page. Jira will then ask if the user wants to allow access from Scenario.

  10. After clicking the Allow button, the user will be redirected to the Plug-in Configuration page and see the successful configuration message.