Manage API environments

An API environment enables you to change the service endpoint of multiple API connections at once. For instance, you can use API environments to change the endpoint for all API TestCases in an ExecutionList.

Test Automation for SAP Commander saves and displays your API environments in the Configurations folder. For more information on how to assign configurations to objects in Test Automation for SAP Commander, see chapter "Assign configurations".

Configurations folder

You can manage your API environments in the Environments tab of the API Connection Manager. Use it to add or remove environments, and edit environment details.

Navigate the Environments tab

The Environments tab of the API Connection Manager consists of the following elements:

  • Ribbon menu

  • List of your environments

  • Edit section. This section is collapsed by default. To expand it, click the icon.

Environments section




Add a new environment.


Remove an environment.

Switch tab

Switch to the Connections tab.

Edit environments

In the Edit section of the API Connection Manager, you can edit your API environment details.

The Edit section is collapsed by default. To expand it, click the icon.

Alternatively, you can double-click the environment you want to edit.

Edit section

To edit the name of your environment, click into the Name field and enter a name.

To specify a service endpoint, i.e. an API base URL, for your environment, click into the Endpoint field and enter an endpoint address.