Log Viewer

The Tricentis Test Automation for SAP Log Viewer allows you to monitor the execution of TestCases. You can filter out relevant log information, save reports, and track the execution of your TestCases in real-time.

Start the Log Viewer

You can find the Log Viewer in two different Tricentis Test Automation for SAP directories:



Each of them has a separate configuration file, which you can modify.

To start the Log Viewer, navigate to one of its directories and enter the following prompt at command line:

LogViewer.exe [<log level>] [pause]

  • Replace <LogLevel> with one of the available log level values listed below.

  • The parameter pause is optional. It hides the log information in the UI. If you expect your TestCases to log large amounts of data, use this parameter.

Available log level values




Log Viewer logs every event.


Log Viewer doesn't log any data.


Log Viewer logs errors, warnings, execution information, and debugging data.


Log Viewer logs warnings, execution information, and debugging data.


Log Viewer logs execution information and debugging data.


Log Viewer only logs debugging data.

In this example, you start the Log Viewer with the log level info without any log information in its UI.

Launch the Log Viewer with the command prompt

Navigate the Log Viewer

The Log Viewer window shows an overview of log events.

Additionally, the ribbon menu in the Log Viewer window allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Change the current log level. To do so, click on the log level in the menu and select a new one from the drop-down menu.

  • Navigate to the log Files.

  • Clear all log events in the Log Viewer window.

  • Save your current log events to a file.

  • Use Chrome Trace to save a JSON file which you can use with Google Chrome's tracing event profiling tool.

  • Navigate through errors using the Previous Error or Next Error buttons.

Switch log levels

Manage your log files

Tricentis Test Automation for SAP automatically saves your log files to the following directory:


If you want to save your log files to a different directory, you can edit the respective Log Viewer configuration file:

  • LogViewer.exe.config which is located in %COMMANDER_HOME%.

  • LogViewer.exe.config which is located in %TBOX_HOME%.

For information on additional logging configuration options, see the Log4Net Documentation.