Synchronize TestCases and ExecutionLists

Test Automation for SAP Commander automatically synchronizes TestCases and ExecutionLists in the following cases:

  • If you make changes to a TestCase, for example if you change a value.

  • If you delete TestCases or TestCases folders. In this case, the system grays out the linked ExecutionEntry or ExecutionEntry folder and changes the names of the ExecutionEntry to No TestCase assigned.

    You can manually delete the respective ExecutionEntry or ExecutionEntry folder, or you can disable them to exclude them from execution.

Folder Logout with ExecutionEntries whose linked TestCases were deleted

In the following cases, you need to synchronize manually:

  • If you add TestCases to a TestCases folder

  • If you rearrange TestCases

  • If you rename folders

To do so, right-click the ExecutionList or the ExecutionEntry folder and select Synchronize from the context menu.

Synchronize ExecutionList Insurance quotes

When you synchronize an ExecutionList, Test Automation for SAP Commander synchronizes all ExecutionEntry folders therein.