Settings - Number Formats

You can define number formats in one of the following ways:

This chapter explains how to define number formats in the settings.

Note the following requirements:

  • Decimal marks and digit grouping characters must be different.

  • Don't enter numerical values.

Define number formats for the system under test

If the machine on which you create your tests uses a different format than the system under test, define number formats for the system under test.

For instance, if a user enters a comma as the decimal mark, but the system under test uses a period, the test will fail.

To avoid this, change the default values in the settings. Tricentis Test Automation for SAP then knows how to interpret the format given by the system under test. Tricentis Test Automation for SAP will also use the same format to write data and time values to the test object.

You can define the following formats:

Target decimal character


Enter the decimal mark that the system under test uses.



Target grouping character


Enter the digit grouping character that the system under test uses.

If the system under test uses a space as the grouping character, enter '<space>'.



Define number formats for Test Automation for SAP

If you create your tests on different machines and these machines have varying number formats, define a uniform number format for Tricentis Test Automation for SAP.

You can define the following formats:

Tosca decimal character


Specify the Tricentis Test Automation for SAP decimal mark.



Tosca grouping character


Specify the digit grouping character in Test Automation for SAP.

If you want to use a space as the grouping character, enter '<space>'.

