Manage objects in Test Automation for SAP Commander

In Test Automation for SAP, you manage technical screen information, test sequence, test data and test execution separately.

This is mapped in Test Automation for SAP Commander by means of the following three object groups:

Objects in Test Automation for SAP Commander





Represent the technical, logical steering units


Determine the test sequence and contain test data


Serve to plan and manage the test execution


Each object group has its own directory containing objects relevant to the object group. These directories are located directly beneath the project root element (see chapter "Get to know the project root element").

Create objects

You can create new objects via the context menu or the dynamic menu. You can also drag and drop existing objects to create a new object (for instance when TestSteps are created from Modules).

Create Object in TestCases dynamic menu

Object types

Modules, TestCases and ExecutionLists are the basic objects in Test Automation for SAP Commander. They represent the smallest organizational unit and are the lowest hierarchical level that can be checked out in a multi-user environment.

Distribution by object type

Administrator users can get an overview of the local workspace or common repository distribution. This overview contains a list that shows type, count, and size of the objects in your local workspace or common repository.

To get the overview, right-click the project root element, select Show distribution by object type from the context menu and select in local workspace or in common repository.

You can save the list of objects as a CSV file on your local machine. To do so, click Save and Close.

Object hierarchy

All objects in Test Automation for SAP Commander are arranged in a strict hierarchical structure. Make sure to keep this object hierarchy when copying or moving objects. This means, for instance, that you can't copy TestCase folders to TestStep folders or Module folders.

Object hierarchy within the TestCases folder




TestCase, Business TestCase


TestStep, XTestStep, manual XTestStep

TestStepValue, manual XTestStepValue

Object hierarchy within the Modules folder




Module, XModule

ModuleAttributes, XModuleAttribute, XModuleAttribute reference

Object hierarchy within the ExecutionLists folder




ExecutionList, TestMandate, Business ExecutionList

ExecutionEntryFolder, synchronous ExecutionEntryFolder

ExecutionEntry, Business ExecutionEntry

Object hierarchy within the Bookmarks folder





Rearranging objects

You can change the order of the following objects by dragging and dropping them in the navigation tree on the left side of your workspace window, or in the details view of Test Automation for SAP Commander:

  • Module, TestCase, TestStep folders

  • TestCases

  • TestSteps

  • Modules

  • ModuleAttributes

  • ExecutionEntries

The default behavior for Modules and ExecutionLists can be modified via the TOSCACommander.exe.config file ("AllowOrderingForExecutionListsFolders" and "AllowOrderingForModulesFolders").

Rearranging objects

Generally valid object properties

Each object in Test Automation for SAP Commander contains the properties described below. The Properties pane displays these properties and you cannot edit them. The properties pane is collapsed by default. You can expand it by clicking the icon on the right side of your workspace window.


This property contains the unique path of the object in the workspace. Objects can thus be uniquely identified.


This property contains the unique identification number of the object in the workspace. Objects can be uniquely identified.