Upgrade Test Automation for SAP Commander

The basic workflow of a Test Automation for SAP Commander upgrade from version 13.4 to 14.2 is as follows:

  1. Perform the necessary preparatory steps: create backups and clean up %COMMANDER_HOME%.

    You need to perform these steps on every machine that has Test Automation for SAP Commander installed.

  2. Upgrade Test Automation for SAP Commander as described below.

    Tricentis strongly recommends that you upgrade with a clean uninstall/reinstall.

  3. Perform the necessary final steps of your Test Automation for SAP Commander upgrade.

    You need to perform these steps on every machine that has Test Automation for SAP Commander installed.

Tricentis recommends that you install and test the new Test Automation for SAP version on a test computer prior to performing the upgrade.

Install the new Test Automation for SAP version on your productive clients only if the installation on your test environment is successful and operable.

The following chapters explain the upgrade process in detail.

Preparatory steps

Before you perform the actual upgrade, follow the preparatory steps listed below:

  1. If you have multi-user workspaces in your 13.4 project, check in all objects you want to include in your backup:

    • Find all checked out objects with the following TQL search query on the project root element:

      ->AllOwnedSubItems[CheckOutState == "CheckedOut"]

    • Right-click the search elements and select Revoke Checkout from the context menu.

  2. Back up your repositories. This step is only necessary if you intend to perform your migration manually.

    If you migrate via Test Automation for SAP Administration Console, you create your backup during the migration.

  3. Remove all remaining files from the directory %COMMANDER_HOME%.

    The default path for Tricentis Test Automation for SAP installations is C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Testsuite.

Upgrade Test Automation for SAP Commander

Tricentis strongly recommends that you upgrade through a clean uninstall/reinstall.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Uninstall in one of the following ways:

  2. Install the new version in one of the following ways:

Final steps of the Test Automation for SAP Commander upgrade

To finalize your upgrade, follow the steps below:

  1. Install Firefox and Chrome plugins for XBrowser, if necessary.