Maintain the Test Automation Server for SAP installation

You can remove the Test Automation Server for SAP including all files and registry entries.

To uninstall your Test Automation Server for SAP installation, follow the steps below:

  1. Trigger the task in one of the following ways:

    • Go to Start->Apps & Features. Click on Tricentis Test Automation Server for SAP and select Uninstall.

    • Double-click the installation file Tricentis Test Automation Server for SAP15.0.0.exe to open the installer.

  2. Select Uninstall.

  3. Follow the instructions of the installer.

Alternatively, you can uninstall in unattended mode.

What to do when the Test Automation for SAP Gateway port is unavailable?

It's possible that the previously used Gateway port is unavailable if you've uninstalled Test Automation Server for SAP and try to reinstall it immediately. This issue should resolve itself after a waiting period of one or two minutes.