Welcome to Sealights documentation!
This is your go-to resource for understanding and utilizing Sealights, a platform designed to enhance software quality and delivery efficiency.
Whether you're new to Sealights or need detailed guidance, you'll find everything you need right here.
- Learn about SeaLights
- Contact Sealights Support
- How-to articles
- Overview of the TIA Process
- Test Impact Analysis with Selection On
- How to set up the build scanner?
- Settings Area
- How to create an environment and add code coverage to this environment?
- How to add tests to an environment?
- How to add additional environments to an app?
- How to run manual tests?
- How to Prepare for a Successful On-boarding (CI)
- How to prepare for a Successful On-boarding (Standalone Environment)
- How to set up an application to report coverage to the Sealights dashboard
- Performing Test Gap Analysis
- How to set a Reference Build
- How to make sure Sealights agent is up to date
- Agents - Setup & Configuration
- Installing our agents - Typical Setup
- Prerequisites
- SeaLights CD Agent
- SeaLights Java agents
- Sealights Java plugins
- Maven build tool - Sealights plugin
- Gradle Build tool - Sealights plugin
- SeaLights Node.js agent
- Downloading the Node.js agent file
- Using Node.js Agent - Generating a session ID
- Using Node.js Agents - Backend Server application
- Using Node.js Agents - Front End application
- Javascript and Node.js Source Map Files
- Using Node.js Agent - Ignoring Files or Folders
- Using Node.js Agent - Running Tests
- Running tests with various supported frameworks
- Sealights Node.js Agent - Advanced Features
- SeaLights Node.js agent - Command Reference
- SeaLights .NET Core Agent
- Downloading the .NET Core agent
- SeaLights .NET Core agent - Scanning the build binaries
- SeaLights .NET Core agent - Capturing coverage from the application
- SeaLights .NET Core agent - Capturing coverage from the app process
- SeaLights .NET Core Agent - Cloud Foundry Integration
- SeaLights .NET Core agent - MS Windows-specific configurations
- SeaLights .NET Core agent - Sample Docker Files
- Sealights .NET Core agent - Configuring the Profiler-Initiated Collector
- SeaLights .NET Core agent - Running tests
- SeaLights .NET Agent - Advanced Features
- SeaLights .NET Core agent - Command Reference
- SeaLights Python agent
- SeaLights Go agent
- Sealights HTTPS Collector
- Using the Sealights Cockpit
- Improve Test Optimization With Context Propagation
- Reporting an Integration Build to Sealights
- Running Tests in Parallel (Lab Id)
- SeaLights Chrome Extension
- Analyzing Pull Requests with SeaLights
- User Management
- Setting up Sealights Notifications
- Sample Integrations
- Troubleshooting/Frequent issues
- Agents cannot reach SeaLights platform (unreachable network errors)
- SCM Links - Links created by Sealights do not point back to the correct SCM page
- Build Monitor - I can't find some of the branches reported for my application
- Coverage - My Test stage shows 0%/No Coverage
- Coverage - My methods are tested for sure but Sealights marks them as Untested
- Pull Request - I see unexpected Quality Risks outside my modified code
- Chrome Extension - How to report an issue to Sealights Support
- Chrome Extension - How to restrict the access to certain web sites?
- How to include Anonymous Methods in your scan
- Cloud Foundry - Integration with Sealights Agents
- Java
- Java - I don't know what packages to configure
- Java - How to configure Surefire integration
- Java - Logging is configured, but doesn't yield any log files
- Java - Ignoring getters/setters and default constructors
- Java - Coverage not reported for test classes run with PowerMock
- Java - False Quality Risks for Lombok generated code
- Java - How to ensure I am running the latest/recommended agent version
- Java - Incorrect detection of a Quality Risk displayed in the dashboard
- Java - Handling error "accessible: module <module name> does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module"
- Java - SSL & Certificate Related Errors
- Maven
- Maven - BUILD FAILURE - Error injecting constructor, java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/helpers/MarkerIgnoringBase
- Maven - No coverage when working with JaCoCo's offline instrumentation option
- Maven - How validate Sealights is properly defined in the POM.xml? (effective-pom)
- Maven - How pass the Build Name from Command line ?
- Maven - How to Update the Parent POM File
- .Net/.NetCore
- .Net/.NetCore - I don't know what namespace to configure
- .Net - How to ensure I am running the latest/recommended agent version
- .Net - Automate CollectorService deployment for multiple Windows Services
- .NET - Deep Troubleshooting using Process Explorer
- .NET - Collecting Profiler Logs
- .NET - MSBuild Error MSB4025 when using Sealights Agent
- .NetCore on Linux - Profiler doesn't start and doesn't produce any log
- .Net - False Quality Risks Analysis
- .NET/.NetCore - Profiler's SocketException when running tests via VSTest.Console
- Node/Javascript
- NodeJS - JavaScript heap out of memory
- Javascript - Angular 8+ code reports double methods to Sealights
- Javascript - "'karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter' usage has been deprecated since version 11" Message for Angular 11
- JavaScript - Reduce SeaLights logging for Instrumented code
- Javascript - I'm not seeing my JS files show up in the build scan
- Javascript - I see no coverage in Front End Tests
- Merge multiple NYC coverage files into one
- Jenkins - Nginx error when using Sealights Plugin
- WebSphere - Cannot find the specified class com.ibm.websphere.ssl.protocol.SSLSocketFactory
- WebSphere - Error 404 (Page Not found) when enabling Sealights
- Tomcat - java.io.FileNotFoundException - "WARNING: Failed to scan"
- Weblogic - failed hostname verification check . Certificate contained ...
- Deprecated Agents & Plugins
- Sealights Plugin for Jenkins Automation Server
- SeaLights Plugins for Java
- SeaLights Legacy .NET agent
- Sealights Ruby Agent
- Best Practices
- Q&A