Data connections

Data connections contain information that is necessary to establish a connection to a data source. They can be created via the New command in the context menu (see chapter "Set up new connections"). The properties and the usage of data connections is described in "Data connections".

Like code snippets, data connections can be dragged with the mouse into a text editor. In this case, the connection string is inserted into the text editor.

By default, the Data Connections pane is minimized on the right hand side of the Tricentis TDM Studio main window and only visible as a tab. To expand the pane, hover the mouse over the tab or select View->Data Connections from the menu.

Managing connections

Data connections are saved in two different areas:

  • Project: These connections are saved with the project, and they are available for all users that work with the project.

  • My Connections: These connections are only available for the user who is currently logged in.

New data connections are set up using the New command in the context menu of the Data Connections pane. They are saved under the node for which the context menu was opened (the node is highlighted). Which data connections are available depends on the wizards that are installed. For example, the commands for a connection to DB2 for LUW are only available if the respective wizard is installed and was successfully loaded.

Data connections and data connection groups can be copied, moved or deleted using the mouse or the context menu of the Data Connections pane. You can also copy and paste single data connections or entire data connection groups via the clipboard.

Tricentis TDM Studio remembers the order of groups and data connections from one session to the next. The context menu also offers commands for editing data connections. Data connections can be opened for editing by double-clicking them.

Using connections

Data connections can be used in two different ways:

  • Dragging a data connection into a text editor with the mouse. The connection string is inserted at the point where you release the mouse button. Any selected text in the editor is not affected by this operation.

  • Data connections are required for the Tricentis TDM Wizard for Databases. For a detailed description of this wizard, please see chapter "Tricentis TDM Wizard for Databases".

Context menu

The context menu of the Data Connections pane contains the following commands:




Creates a new data connection in the selected source (Project or My Connections).


Copies the selected node (a group or a connection) to the clipboard.


Pastes the connection/group into the tree structure from the clipboard.


Deletes the selected connection or group. This action is permanent and cannot be reversed. For this reason, you have to confirm the deletion before it is made final.


If a group or a connection is selected, you can rename it.

Move Up

Moves the selected element one step upwards. You cannot use this option to move an element out of a group or out of its source.

Move Down

Moves the selected element one step downwards. You cannot use this option to move an element out of a group or out of its source.


Opens the Data Connection dialog where you can view and edit connection properties.