Record controls with the Recorder

With the Recorder, you can create TestCases quickly and easily.

You can record controls of your application in Recording Mode. You can select all controls which can be automated, such as buttons and links. You cannot record interactions with scrollbars.

Record a control

To record a control, click on the controls you want to record.

The area that holds a control is marked with a blue border. Next to the control, you can see the control type in the form of a blue icon.

Control marked with a border and button control icon

Generic controls receive an orange icon.

Generic control marked with a border and an orange icon

The Recorder does not display the control type icon when you record in a web browser.

The Recorder uses a direct connection to SAP which means that there are no overlays of controls.

Record an input field or a drop-down menu

To record an input field, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter some value into the input field.

  2. Confirm the value that you entered. To do so, press Enter or click on the next control to record.

    If you press ESC, you cancel your input.

Record an input field

To record a drop-down menu, select a value from the drop-down list.

Record a drop-down list

The Recorder saves the values which you enter into input fields or select from drop-down lists. It saves this value as the TestStepValue, and it sets the ActionMode to Input for the corresponding TestStep.

Record controls in a hover area

In some cases, parts of the application only appear when you move the mouse pointer onto a specific area (called a hover area).

To record controls within a hover area, follow the steps below:

  1. Place your mouse pointer onto the hover area for at least 1.5 seconds. The additional controls appear.

  2. Click on the controls you want to record.

By default, Tosca Recorder automatically records the mouseover event which made the additional controls visible. Alternatively, to record mouseover events manually, follow the steps below:

  1. Place your mouse pointer onto the hover area. The additional controls appear.

  2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+H.

  3. Click on the controls you want to record.

Switch between applications during recording

To switch between the application windows during the recording, perform one of the following actions:

  • Press Alt+Tab.

  • Click on the application in the Windows taskbar.