Step 1 - Source File Definition

To specify the file to be tested, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Select file... in the Selected file area. In the subsequent dialog, choose your file and click Open. Alternatively, you can add your file via drag and drop.

    The Pre-Screening: File Wizard automatically loads a preview of your data into the File preview section:

Loaded file in the Pre-Screening: File Wizard

  1. Define the file structure in the File structure definition area using one or more of the following options:



Table name

Define the name of the table into which the data is loaded upon execution.

By default, the Wizard uses the name of the first file in the Selected file(s) list.

First row as header

If your data contains a header row, enable this setting. This allows the Pre-Screening: File Wizard to use this header.


Choose this option if a delimiter separates the columns of your data.

Delimit character(s)

This field is only available if the option Delimiter is selected.

Use it to specify one or more characters which are used to separate the columns of your data.

Fixed Width Columns

Choose this option if your columns have a fixed character width instead of a delimiter.

Column Indexes

This field is only available if the option Fixed Width Columns is selected.

Use it to enter the starting index of each column, starting with 1. Use commas to separate the indexes.

  1. Click Next step to select your field tests.

You can reset the file section process at any time by clicking Clear all files.