Using a Tosca Connect Version below 17.1

In order to use a Tosca Connect version below 17.1, the following steps in this chapter are needed additionally to those in chapter "Tosca Connect".

A third party system is required to establish a connection. Access permissions are needed for the installation and configuration. A description of the necessary preparations for third party system can be found in the Tasktop Help.

The System Requirements for Tosca Connect Version <17.1 can be found here.

You need access permissions to install and configure a Web service with the Microsoft Internet Information Server.

Installing Tosca Connect

A more detailed description of the necessary steps for the installation is provided under this Link.

  • Install Tosca Connect.

  • Open the Tosca Connect user interface via the Windows Start Menu All Programs->Tricentis Tosca Connect or open it as a Windows service.

  • Use the Tosca Connect Service Manager to start or stop Tosca Connect.

Preparing the Tosca workspace

All of the objects that are needed for the synchronization have to be located in a local multiuser workspace. The synchronization should only be carried out by a single Tosca user that has been specifically created for this task.

The workspace must be closed before it can be accessed via the Tosca REST API.

Defining properties for the synchronization in Tosca

For the synchronization of Defects and Requirements, the following properties have to be defined for the objects ExecutionTestCaseLog and Requirement:

ToscaConnectSyncProxy: Tosca Connect uses this property for internal information.

Defect: This property can be used to flag execution entries for the creation of a Defect. Any execution entry that carries this property will be taken into account during synchronization. It is necessary to configure this property in Tosca Connect.

Defining properties

A detailed description of customizable properties can be found in the chapter "Specify properties".

Defining Queries for the synchronization in Tosca

In Tosca Connect, Queries are used to define which objects should be synchronized. The Tosca workspace saves these Queries in virtual folders.

During configuration, Tosca Connect needs to find at least one object as a search result in the virtual folder.

The creation of virtual folders is described in the chapter "Save queries to virtual folders".

Use freely definable properties in a Query to uniquely identify an ExecutionList, since the name of an ExecutionList could change.

The following example searches for all execution results in the ExecutionList MySUTV2WIN7 which carry the value Yes for the property Defect or for which a Defect has been created in Tosca Connect.

-> SUBPARTS:ExecutionList[Name=="MySUTV2WIN7"]=>ExecutionLogs->TestCaseLogs[Defect=="Yes" OR ToscaConnectSyncProxy!=""]

Creating a Task Mapping in Tosca Connect

In Tosca Connect, a Task Mapping has to be created for the synchronization of objects between two systems. The following information needs to be defined in the Task Mapping:

  • System to be synchronized with Tosca

  • Repository where the objects to be synchronized are managed

  • Query for the data to be synchronized

  • Attributes to be synchronized


  1. Open Tosca Connect.

  2. In the Services window, select the root element ALM Synchronisation, then select the option New Task Mapping... from the context menu.

Creating a Mapping

  1. Define a name for the Mapping. Choose a name that relates to the project.

  2. In the Mapping Details window, select the option Limited Scope during configuration, to initially synchronize only one object. The difference between Full Scope and Limited Scope is the number of objects to be synchronized.

    This option prevents delays during the configuration and possible configuration errors will only affect the object that is being synchronized.

    Change this setting to Full Scope once the configuration is complete.

  3. In the Select Repositories To Sync window, select Tosca and the system you want to synchronize with Tosca.

Selecting Repositories for the synchronization

  1. In the following dialog windows which let you manage the objects to synchronize, define the Repository or the workspace of the respective system.

    You can create a new Repository or select an existing Repository.

Defining Repositories

In the next step, define which data from the Repositories or the workspaces should be synchronized. This data is selected with Queries.

  1. In the selection boxes Initialization Query and Changes Query, select a Query that refers to a virtual folder in Tosca or create a new Query by clicking the New... button (see chapter "Defining properties for the synchronization in Tosca").

  2. In the drop-down menu Type, select the type of the object to be synchronized. The available types are Requirements and ExecutionTestCaseLog.

  3. In the selection box Proxy Store Type, the value Attribute has to be selected.

  4. In the selection box Proxy attribute, select the name of the customized property that you have created beforehand (see chapter "Defining properties for the synchronization in Tosca").

Defining data for the synchronization

The last step of the configuration gives an overview of the selected settings:

Overview of the Mapping settings

Defining Attributes for the synchronization in Tosca Connect

For the synchronization of objects, the Attributes of these objects have to be specified for both systems. The Attributes are defined in Tosca Connect.

  1. In Tosca Connect, double-click on the desired Task Mapping to open the Detail view on the right-hand side of the window.

  2. Select the tab Attribute Mapping in the Detail view.

  3. Click on the plus sign in the title bar to add Attributes.

    You can erase Attributes by clicking on the minus sign.

List of Attributes to be synchronized

  1. In the next dialog window, select the Attributes to be synchronized from the drop-down menu.

  2. Define the direction of synchronization for each Attribute.

  3. Assign an Attribute of the other system to the Tosca Attribute with which it should synchronize.

Determining the Attributes for the synchronization

For example, Defects are described with the Attributes Loginfo or AggregatedDescription.

  1. If a required Attribute has no corresponding Tosca Attribute, a standard value can be assigned.

    Standard values are assigned in the Caster area by selecting the option Literal Value from the drop-down menu and then manually defining the value of the Attribute.

Assigning a standard value to an Attribute

Further information

Webinar: Leveraging the Power of Tosca Connect and Tasktop Sync

Tasktop Help

Tasktop Sync Integration for Tricentis Tosca