Operators and Functions

The example results in the list of operators and functions below refer to the TestCases shown in the image below. The starting point of the search is the TestCases folder. Further TQL query examples can be found in chapter "Example TQL solutions".

Examples - current situation

Arrow operators


Examines the level beneath the starting point,

->SUBPARTS returns the TestCase folder Automobile and the TestCases Automobile 1, 1 Automobile, Truck, and Motorcycle


Examines all levels beneath the starting point,

=>SUBPARTS returns all TestCase folders, TestCases, TestSteps, and TestStepValues

Relational operators



=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[Name=="Automobile"] returns the TestCase Automobile


Equal, case insensitive,

=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[Name=i="automobile"] returns the TestCase Automobile



=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[NAME!="Automobile"] returns the TestCases Automobile 1, 1 Automobile, Truck, and Motorcycle


Unequal, case insensitive


Less than,

=>SUBPARTS:XTestStepValue[(Name=="DateOfBirth")AND(Value<"01/01/1980")] returns the TestStepValue DateOfBirth


Greater than,

=>SUBPARTS:XTestStepValue[(Name=="DateOfBirth")AND(Value>"12/12/1970")] returns no result


Less than or equal,

=>SUBPARTS:XTestStepValue[(Name=="DateOfBirth")AND(Value<="01/01/1980")] returns the TestStepValue DateOfBirth


Greater than or equal,

=>SUBPARTS:XTestStepValue[(Name=="DateOfBirth")AND(Value>="12/12/1970")] returns the TestStepValue DateOfBirth


an expression consisting of regular expressions follows,

=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[Name=~"^Automobile"] returns the TestCases Automobile and Automobile 1, ^ marks the beginning of a word


an expression consisting of regular expressions follows, case insensitive


is the right part contained in the left,

=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[Name=?"Automobile"] returns the TestCases Automobile, Automobile 1, and 1 Automobile


is the right part contained in the left, case insensitive


is the right part not contained in the left,

=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[Name!?"Automobile"] returns Truck and Motorcycle


is the right part not contained in the left, case insensitive

Logical operators


And-link of two elements,

=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[(Name=="Automobile")AND(Name=="Truck")] returns no result


Or-link of two elements,

=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[(Name=="Automobile")OR(Name=="Truck")] returns the TestCases Automobile and Truck

Mathematical operators

+ , - , * , :

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Other terminal symbols


Any integer series of numbers


Any series of letters, mostly element names, type descriptions and the like


All child elements of the current element


All parent elements of the current element


Child elements and their links of the current elements,



The search function returns the elements of the level, which is preceded by RETURN



=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[NOT(Name=="Automobile")AND(Name=="Truck")] returns all TestCases



provides the number of associated elements of the given type,

=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[Count("Items")==0] returns all TestCases which are not linked to any TestSteps and TestCase folders: Automobile 1, 1 Automobile, Truck, and Motorcycle


returns itself as the object


returns the value of a test configuration parameter.

=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[EVALCP("Browser") == "InternetExplorer"] returns all TestCases containing the test configuration parameter Browser with the value InternetExplorer.


objects are determined by their UniqueID and/or NodePathName,

->OBJECTS("-84917") returns the object with the specified UniqueID


this function returns the project object independent from the starting point of the query,

->PROJECT returns the project root element


determines the set union


determines the intersection


determines the complementary sum

SORT(query, “condition“)

sorts the query according to criteria (see chapter "Save queries to virtual folders"),

->Sort(=>Subparts:TestCase, "Name") returns all TestCases in ascending alphabetical order (A-Z). Use "+ condition" or "- condition" to specify an ascending (+) or descending (-) sort order.


provides the range of amount specified in curly brackets. It is possible to either specify an index for a search up to a particular object, or to specify a certain area to be searched.

Syntax:<Arrow Operator>Subset(<query>, <Index>, <Range>)The range can optionally be specified.

->SUBSET(=>SUBPARTS:TestCase, 3) returns the first three TestCases in the TestCase folder TestCases: Automobile, Automobile 1 and 1 Automobile,

->SUBSET(=>SUBPARTS:TestCase, 3, 2) returns 1 Automobile and Truck

When date and time formats should be compared, they must be specified with quotation marks. If operators contain greater than or smaller than signs (<, >, <=, >=), only date, time or number formats can be compared. If strings are compared, and if both strings can be converted into floating-point numbers, a DOUBLE comparison will be performed and the above mentioned operators can be used.

Using floating-point numbers in the TQL search

Searches for properties with floating-point numbers, which use the data type DOUBLE, a dot has to be used instead of a comma (e.g. relative weighting in per cent - requirements). The value can only be found using the relational operators < or >.


<relational operator><number.number>