Options - View

Show TestCase WorkState

Shows the development status of the TestCase (see chapter "TestCaseWorkState").

Show Team Status

Shows the symbols that visualize the checkout status.

Show Missing Reference

Shows missing references between objects.

Show Multiline Description

Shows multiline descriptions of TestCases (in the field Description).

Open new window floating

Enable this option to open a new floating window.

Enable dynamic context menu

Activate this option to limit the number of context menu entries. Every used entry is added to the list of the limited context menu entries.

Enable timeout for dynamic context menu (D.HH:MM:SS)

This setting requires that the dynamic context menu is enabled. If an entry is not used until the specified timeout, it is removed from the list of limited menu entries. The value of the timeout must match the specified format.


Language selection for the GUI of Tosca Commander™. The supported languages are German and English. With the option System, the language of the operating system is applied.

Transparency while capturing screenshot (%)

When creating a screenshot in Tosca Commander™, the screen is marked with a transparent yellow area. The transparency level of this area can be set via the spin box. Possible values are between 10% - 75%.

Show mini toolbar on left click

If this option is enabled, the mini toolbar opens whenever you perform a left-click onto an object.

Enable trend charts

Enables or disables trend charts in order to represent test results graphically. If enabled, you may encounter longer wait times.

First day of week for trend charts

Specifies the day of week the trend chart is to be started with.

Options - TestCase (Options)

Show ActionMode colors

Shows defined background colors for the different ActionModes (Verify, Output, Buffer, etc.) (see chapter "ActionMode").

Show missing Modules

Shows missing Modules in TestSteps.

Show DoNothing

Shows also attributes in TestCases with the ActionMode DoNothing.

Show multiline Values

Enable this setting to display Values in TestCases across multiple lines. By default, this setting is enabled/disabled.

Show dynamic expressions (graphical view)

Enable this setting to turn on the graphical visualization of the dynamic expressions. By default, the graphical visualization is disabled.

Options - ExecutionList

Show multiline Logs

Displays the execution logs in multiple lines.

Show Statistics

Selects whether the execution statistics are hidden or shown.

Show only last ActualLog

Only the last execution result is displayed by default. If this option is deselected, the results of all the executions performed so far are displayed.

Number of Logs to show

Limits the number of archived logs and the ActualLog. You can specify the number of displayed logs via the edit box or the spin box. Select either 0 or a negative value to display all the logs.

Date Format

Date format selection for the StartTime and EndTime in the ExecutionList in the Execution section of Tosca Commander. The supported date formats are German <dd/mm/yyyy>, US English <mm/dd/yyyyy> or Windows System Default. This date format setting is applied in the ExecutionList only. The default date format is German. Resetting the date format requires potentially a restart of Tosca Commander.