Create and edit OSV Environments

You can create new and edit existing OSV Environments in the Environments tab of the Tosca OSV Monitor.

To edit an existing OSV Environment, simply click the icon or select Edit from the context menu.

Create a new OSV Environment

To create a new OSV Environment, follow the steps below:

  1. Start the Tosca OSV Monitor.

  2. Right-click into the workspace to open the context menu.

  3. Select New Environment from the context menu.

This opens the Edit Environment window in which you can configure your OSV Environment.

Edit Environment window

Edit your OSV Environment

To configure your OSV Environment, enter your specifications in the different sections of the Edit Environment window.


In the General section, specify the following information:




Enter a name for your OSV Environment.


Optionally, enter a description for your OSV Environment.


Optionally, enter the following possible parameters:


To establish a database connection, you have to install the database clients for the database and OSV on the same workstation.

Once you have entered your specifications, the OSV Environment automatically creates the databases and database tables. Make sure that you have administrator privileges when you create databases and tables. If this is not the case, your database administrator can use the scripts located at <Tosca OSV program files>\DB\Scripts to create the tables for you.

In the Database section, specify which database you want the OSV Environment to use. Which fields are available depends on the database type you select.




Select a database type:

  • mssql: use a Microsoft SQL Server database

  • sqlite: use an SQLite database

  • oracle: use an Oracle database. This requires an installation of Client-Library 32-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC)

  • db2: use a DB2 database. This requires a Client-Library IBM Data Server Runtime Client 32-bit

Server or File

Enter the host name, IP address, or path of the database.

Schema Name

Specify the schema you want to use. Each database schema has a unique schema version.


Enter the user name of the schema user.


Enter the password of the schema user.


Optionally, you can define a proxy in the Proxy section. If you enable a proxy, the proxy and the environment start and stop together.

When a message arrives, the proxy checks the destination URL of the request. If the URL matches a real service, the proxy forwards the message to the corresponding service port. In all other cases, the proxy forwards the message to the specified destination.

Proxy and OSV interaction