Mobile Modules

The folder TBox XEngines->Mobile in the Standard subset contains Modules that perform specific tasks for the Mobile Engine 3.0.

Open Mobile App

The Module Open Mobile App allows you to open native and hybrid mobile applications on your Android or iOS device.

This step is a mandatory first TestStep in Mobile Engine 3.0 TestCases. The only exception to this is if you want to set Desired Capabilities.

The Module has the following ModuleAttribute:




Specify the application name and use ActionMode Input.

The application name and path depend on the device you use. For more information and examples of different ways to specify the application name, see chapter "Open mobile applications".

If you want to open a native or hybrid app, use the Module OpenURL from the Standard subset.

When you upgrade Tricentis Tosca 12.3 or any earlier versions to Version 13.3, you have to perform an XEngines migration to ensure that the Open Mobile App Module works correctly. To do so, right-click on the project root element and select XEngines Migration->Update project to current version.

ME3.0 Set Device Orientation

The Module ME3.0 Set Device Orientation allows you to define whether the Mobile Engine 3.0 should steer your device in portrait or landscape orientation.

It has the following ModuleAttribute:




Specify the orientation of your device and use ActionMode Select. The following values are available:

  • Portrait

  • Landscape

In the example below, you set the screen orientation to Landscape.

ME3.0 Set Device Orientation Module in a TestCase

Click On Screen

This Module allows you to perform a tap gesture on a certain point of the mobile device screen.

It has the following ModuleAttributes:




Specify the x-coordinate in percent. The leftmost value is 0 and the rightmost value is 100.


Specify y-coordinate in percent. The top value is 0 and the bottom value is 100.

In this example, you perform a tap gesture at 10% of the x-coordinate and at 50% of the y-coordinate from the top left corner of the screen.

Click on Screen Module in a TestCase

Set Desired Capabilities

Desired Capabilities allow you to indicate important parameters. These parameters tell the Appium Server how you want your test sessions to behave. For more information on using Desired Capabilities in your tests, see chapter "Set Desired Capabilities".

The Module Set Desired Capabilities allows you to apply Desired Capabilities to your test execution. It has to be the first TestStep of your TestCase (see chapter "Set Desired Capabilities for test execution").

The Module has the following ModuleAttributes:




Specify which Desired Capability you want to apply:

  • Replace the name of the ModuleAttribute with the name of the required capability.

    For a list of all supported Desired Capabilities, see the Appium Documentation and WebDriverAgent Documentation.

  • Enter the corresponding value into the Value column.

Names and values are case-sensitive.

In this example, you apply the Desired Capabilities skipServerInstallation and skipDeviceInitialization to reduce the startup time of Android test execution.

Set Desired Capabilities Module in a TestCase

Upload File to Mobile Device

The Module Upload File to Mobile Device allows you to upload a file from a computer to an Android device (see chapter "Transfer files to Android"). The file upload limit is 2 GB.

If the file already exists on the Android device, the Mobile Engine 3.0 overwrites it.

It has the following ModuleAttributes:



Desktop Path

Specify the full path to the file that you want to upload, including the file name and extension.

Example: D:\abc.pdf

Mobile Device Path

Specify the full path to the location where you want to save the file, including the file name and extension.

Use forward slashes (/) in the path.

Example: /sdcard/Download/abc.pdf

You can specify a different name for your file.

On Samsung devices, replace Internal Storage with sdcard in the file path. For example, replace /Internal storage/Download/abc.txt with /sdcard/Download/abc.txt.

Download File from Mobile Device

The Module Download File from Mobile Device allows you to download a file from an Android device to a computer (see chapter "Transfer files to Android").

If the file already exists on the computer, the Mobile Engine 3.0 overwrites it.

It has the following ModuleAttributes:



Mobile Device Path

Specify the full path to the file that you want to upload, including the file name and extension.

Use forward slashes (/) in the path.

Example: /sdcard/Download/abc.pdf

On Samsung devices, replace Internal Storage with sdcard in the file path. For example, replace /Internal storage/Download/abc.txt with /sdcard/Download/abc.txt.

Desktop Path

Specify the full path to the location where you want to save the file, including the file name and extension.

Example: D:\abc.pdf

You can specify a different name for your file.

In this example, you download the file example.png from your Android device to your computer.

Download File from Mobile Device Module in a TestCase

Set Autohide Keyboard

The Module Set Autohide Keyboard allows you to disable the auto-hide mode for keyboards in native applications. This impacts the performance of steering text boxes (see chapter "Disable the keyboard auto-hide on iOS").

The Module has the following ModuleAttribute:



Autohide Keyboard

Specify whether you want to enable the auto-hide mode of the iOS onscreen keyboard.

Possible values are:

  • True: enable auto-hide mode.

  • False: disable auto-hide mode.

In this example, you disable the default auto-hide mode of the onscreen iOS keyboard.

Set Autohide Keyboard Module in a TestCase

ME3.0 Hardware Button Operations

The Module ME3.0 Hardware Button Operations allows you to steer the following platform-specific hardware buttons:

  • Home button for iOS and Android

  • Back button on Android

  • App Selection button on Android

It has the following ModuleAttribute:




Specify which button you want to click. Possible values are:

  • Home

  • Back

  • ApplicationSelector

In this example, you press the Back button on Android.

ME 3.0 Hardware Button Operations Module in a TestCase

Swipe On Screen

The Module Swipe On Screen allows you to perform a swipe operation directly on the screen. The length of the swipe movement is equal to one third of the mobile screen size.

The Module has the following ModuleAttributes:




Specify which type of swipe you want to perform. Possible values are:





  • SWIPE to perform a swipe towards a defined End Point


Specify the duration of the swipe in milliseconds.

A higher value makes the swipe slower and shorter. A lower value makes the swipe faster and longer.

The default value is 300 ms.

Start Point

Define the start coordinates of the swipe.

By default, the swipe starts at the center of the screen.

You can specify different coordinates. If you specify one coordinate, you also have to enter a value for the other.

Start Point->X

Specify the start x-coordinate in percent. The leftmost value is 0 and the rightmost value is 100.

Start Point->Y

Specify the start y-coordinate in percent. The top value is 0 and the bottom value is 100.

End Point

Define the end coordinates of the swipe.

If you enter end coordinates, set the Direction to SWIPE.

If you specify one coordinate, you also have to enter a value for the other.

End Point->X

Specify the end x-coordinate in percent. The leftmost value is 0 and the rightmost value is 100.

End Point->Y

Specify the end y-coordinate in percent. The top value is 0 and the bottom value is 100.

In this example, you perform an upward swipe that lasts 1 second.

Swipe On Screen Module in a TestCase

Send Text Input To Focused Control

The Module Send Text Input To Focused Control allows you to send text input to a focused control to simulate user action.

The Module has the following ModuleAttribute:




Specify the text input that you want to send to a focused control.

In this example, you send text input to a dynamic search field.

  • The Focused Control TestStep sets the focus on the dynamic search field.

  • The next TestStep uses the Send Text Input To Focused Control Module to send text input to the search field.

  • After the search, a drop-down list appears with results that match your search query. The Destination Airport TestStep selects the correct result from the drop-down list.

Send Text Input To Focused Control Module in a TestCase

Draw On Screen

The Module Draw On Screen allows you to draw a shape directly on the screen.

The Module has the following ModuleAttributes:



Long Tap

Specify whether you want to start the drawing with a tap or a long tap.

Possible values are:

  • True: start with a long tap.

  • False: start with a tap.


Specify the duration of the movement in milliseconds.

A higher value makes the movement slower and shorter. A lower value makes the movement faster and longer.

This ModuleAttribute is optional. The default value is 300 ms.


Specify the start x-coordinate in percent. The leftmost value is 0 and the rightmost value is 100.


Specify the start y-coordinate in percent. The top value is 0 and the bottom value is 100.

In this example, you draw a simple shape with three swipe movements. Each movement lasts one second.

Draw On Screen Module in a TestCase

Switch Mobile App

The Module Switch Mobile App allows you to switch to a different mobile application during a single TestCase.

The Module has the following ModuleAttribute:




Specify the application to which you want to switch:

  • For an iOS application, use its BundleID.

  • For an Android application, use its PackageName. Don't specify the Activity.

In this example, you perform the following actions:

  • You open the first mobile application with the Module Open Mobile App.

  • You click on a screen position in the first application.

  • You switch to the second mobile application with the Module Switch Mobile App.

  • You click on a screen position in the second mobile application.

Switch Mobile App Module in a TestCase

Get Appium Session Id

The Module Get Appium Session Id allows you to save the Appium session ID to a buffer.

The Module has the following ModuleAttribute:



Buffer Name

Specify the name of the buffer to which you want to save the ID of your current Appium session.

In this example, you save the Appium session ID to a buffer named SampleBuffer.

Get Appium Session Id Module in a TestCase

End Appium Session

The Module End Appium Session allows you to end the current Appium session.

In this example, you perform the following actions:

  • You start a new Appium session and open the URL

  • You interact with the mobile controls on the screen.

  • In the End Appium Session TestStep, you use the Module End Appium Session to end your current Appium session.

  • You start a new Appium session and interact with the same screen.

End Appium Session Module in a TestCase

Android Snackbar

The Module Android Snackbar allows you to steer snackbar in Android applications.

The Module has the following ModuleAttributes:




Specify the text that appears on the snackbar.


Specify the action you want to perform on the button that is next to the snackbar text message. This step is optional if the snackbar contains only text message.

In this example, you perform the following actions:

  • You open the mobile application with the Module Open Mobile App.

  • You click on the button Show SnackBar With Delay, which triggers the snackbar.

  • You use ActionMode WaitOn to wait until the snackbar with the message Speed changes everything appears.

  • You verify whether the message is Speed changes everything.

  • You click on a button on the snackbar to close it.

Android Snackbar Module in a TestCase