Checkin and Checkout mechanisms

Checkout is the reserving of logical work units (TestCases/Modules/ExecutionLists) for the exclusive use of the current user.

The required group of elements has to be checked in and out of the repository for administration and consolidation of changes (context menu: Checkout or Checkout Tree).

During this process, the elements are marked with a sign that shows the checked out state to other users.

Unlike Checkout, Checkout Tree checks out all sub-elements of the selected element.

Checkout elements

To check out elements, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the tree containing the elements you want to check out.

  2. Select Checkout Tree from the context menu of the previously selected element.

  1. If the elements are not yet checked out by another user, the checked out elements are shown in more intensive colors and are assigned with a green symbol .

Checked out elements

After a successful Checkout, the selected group of elements is exclusively reserved to be edited by the current user.

Checkin elements

All elements currently checked out by the user - marked by a green symbol - and all new elements created - marked by a white symbol - can be checked in with a click on Home->Checkin all. All changes carried out by the user are thereby recorded in the repository and are available to all other users afterwards.

Show Checkout Details

To see details of a checked-out object, right-click it and select Show Checkout Details from the context menu.

To select multiple objects, hold CTRL.

Show checkout details

The subsequent dialog displays the following information:

  • Name of the checked out object

  • Time of checkout

  • Tosca Commander user

  • Microsoft® Windows user

  • The name of the computer (machine) from which the object has been checked out

Checkout Details

Show latest change details

To view the latest changes to a particular object, right-click it and select Show latest change details from the context menu.

Objects don't have to be checked-out to see the changes.

Show latest change details

The subsequent dialog displays the following information:

  • Name of the selected object

  • Date and time of the change

  • Tosca Commander user

  • Microsoft® Windows user

  • Name of the computer (machine) which was used to make changes to the object

Latest change details

The Show latest change details dialog doesn't display changes that only affect the sub-objects of a checked-out object. For example, while there is change information if you check out a TestCase and add or delete a TestStep from it, there is no change information if you only rename or disable a TestStep itself.

Alternatively, you can always check an object's properties for information on who modified it and when.

Adopting modifications

Modifications are initially transferred into the Common Repository (e.g. changing a password) with the menu option Home->Checkin all.

In order to transfer the modifications to the respective local workspaces of the other users, these workspaces have to be updated (e.g. via the menu option Home->Update all). The current session will not be interrupted if the password is changed. The new password will not be required until the next login.

Force edit rights (Revoke Checkout)

Administrators can withdraw the editing permission on checked out elements - marked by a red symbol - from other users and check these elements back into the repository. This option is only available for the master branch workspace.

Changes made by the user will not be transferred to the repository and sub-elements will not be checked in!

  1. Make sure that you are logged in to the repository with a user account that has been granted administrator rights.

  2. Select the required elements.

  3. Select Revoke CheckOut in the context menu.

The selected elements are now released and all modifications of the user, who has checked out the elements, are rejected. The elements are now made available to all users again.