Create new user

To create a new Tricentis User Administration account, follow the steps below:

  1. Click User Administration to open the Tricentis User Administration from the Tricentis Tosca Server website.

Start Tricentis User Administration

  1. On the subsequent Login page, click Register Now!.

Create new user

  1. Enter the name, e-mail address, and password in the respective fields.

    Note that the password must contain at least 8 characters.

Register new account

  1. Click Register.

Activate user account

If you get invited by your Administrator to set up your account, you receive an invitation email to activate your account.

To activate your account, perform the following steps:

  1. In the invitation email, click CLICK HERE, or copy and paste the activation link into your browser.

  2. This opens the registration page, where you can setup your user account.