Tricentis Tosca Server Patch Notes Version 13.4 Patch 1-3

This topic provides information on the installation, new features and resolved issues of the Tricentis Tosca Server patch.

Tricentis Tosca Server patches are cumulative. The most recent patch for this Tricentis Tosca version contains the newly added features and fixes as well as those from previous patches. You only need to install the latest patch for this Tricentis Tosca version.


  1. Download the installation file from the Support Portal and unzip all files.

  2. Create a backup of the Web.config files of all Tosca Server features.

  3. Run the Tosca Server 13.4 Patch3.exe file.

    If required, run the installation file with administrator rights.

Some Tricentis Tosca Server components may require additional manual configuration after the installation has been completed.

You will find further information on these components below.

New Features

For this patch, we have added the following features:

X-Frame header for non-IIS services (since Patch 1)

With this patch, we introduce security improvements with HTTP security header X-Frame-Options for non-IIS services.

qTest integration (since Patch 2)

You can now integrate with qTest OnDemand 10.2 or OnPremise 10.2 (see chapter "Tosca qTest integration").

Resolved issues

The following issues have been resolved:


Fixed in



Authentication Service

Patch 01


Improves security by adding HTTP security header X-Frame-Options.

Distributed Execution

Patch 03


The distribution mechanism of the DEX server led to a sequential execution of Execution Lists, even if there were available agents. This bug is fixed.

Tosca Commander

Patch 01


Fixes an issue where TDS swagger is broken.

Tosca Commander / Test Management Platform

Patch 03


When multiple processes access the REST API for multiple workspaces, it could happen that loaded files with the same name get mixed up, leading to multiple errors. This is fixed now.

Tosca qTest integration

Patch 02


Users will be able to trigger TestEvent executions from qTest and Convert qTest TestCases to Tosca TestCases without the need to separate these actions while using only the corresponding Tosca licenses.

Tosca Server Setup

Patch 03


License Administration is able to start after applying Patch 3.

Tosca Server Setup

Patch 01


Fixes an issue where Landing Page had issues with hosting and HTTPS.