Tricentis Tosca Patch Notes Version 13.4 Patch 1-5

This topic provides information on the installation, new features and resolved issues of the Tricentis Tosca patch.

Tricentis Tosca patches are cumulative. The most recent patch for this Tricentis Tosca version contains the newly added features and fixes as well as those from previous patches. You only need to install the latest patch for this Tricentis Tosca version.

As of Tricentis Tosca 13.0, patches are included in our Tricentis Tosca installer. If you want to patch your local installation or are planning to do a new installation, download the installer with the desired patch level. Follow the installation wizard and you are ready to go.


The installation file can be downloaded from the Support Portal. Unzip all files and run the Tricentis Tosca 13.4 Patch5.exe file.

If required, run the Tricentis Tosca 13.4 Patch5.exe file with administrator rights.

You can also perform an unattended installation of the patch.

To do so, enter Tricentis Tosca 13.4 Patch5.exe /s /clone_wait /V"<MSI commands>" at the command prompt.

For information on installation parameters, see chapter "Install Tricentis Tosca in unattended mode". Note that the only applicable MSI commands for patches are /L*v and /qn.

When you patch Tricentis Tosca, the system installs new versions of configuration files, which might overwrite hidden settings that you applied to the previous version.

For information on how to avoid losing certain settings when upgrading, see this Tricentis Knowledge Base article.

Important security update

Classic Java Engine: Security update (since Patch 5)

This patch fixes a potential security issue for Classic Java Engine, which has a dependency on a vulnerable version of log4j. We have closely examined this dependency and don't believe it can be exploited. However, Tricentis takes security seriously. Consequently, the log4j file has been removed from the setup.

New Features

For this patch, we have added the following features:

Hide Soft Hyphens (since Patch 3)

With this patch, we have added a new setting Hide Soft Hyphens.


Distributed Execution with AOS (since Patch 2)

TOS-60169 fixes an issue with expanding repositories if you use Distributed Execution with AOS (see "Resolved issues" below).

If you experience workspace size issues, Tricentis recommends that you archive your execution logs after installing the patch. For information on how to do so, see chapter "Archive your ActualLog".

Veracode compliance (since Patch 1)

We offer enhanced security in compliance with Veracode.

Open source library update (since Patch 1)

Open source libraries for the Interactive Testing Server are updated to the latest versions.

Scan and steer mobile applications based on Aura Lightning framework (since Patch 1)

You can now scan mobile applications based on Aura Lightning framework.

To steer mobile applications based on Aura Lightning framework, create the UseXBrowserForMobile TCP and set its value to True.

qTest integration options (since Patch 1)

With this patch, the qTest Integration AddIn is disabled by default.

If you want to use qTest integration, you must turn on the AddIn even if you have previously used it.

You can enable or disable the AddIn in the Options dialog under Project->Options->QTestIntegrationAddin->Enabled.

Additionally, you need to enable the integration in the Tosca Server REST API Service. To do so, open the REST API Web.config file on the machine that holds Tosca Server. By default, the file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Server\RESTApi.

Add the following code to sectionGroup name="userSettings" in the configSections section:

<section name="Tricentis.QTestIntegrationConnector.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false" />

Add the following code to the userSettings section:


<setting name="QTestIntegrationEnabled" serializeAs="String">




As of 13.4 patch 1, Tricentis also offers a new qTest integration option. You can now define how many seconds Tosca should try to open the connection to qTest and link, unlink, or update objects.

The default value is 70 seconds. You can set a different time under Project->Options->QTestIntegrationAddin->Maximum time allowed for linking attempts (in seconds).

Resolved issues

The following issues have been resolved:


Fixed in



API Engine 3.0

Patch 01


TransformerExample.dll is now removed from the setup as Veracode scan has deemed it as a security vulnerability.

API Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixes an issue where in the response, API Engine processes elements of a tree structure in the wrong order, thus causing buffer handling issues.

API Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixes a bug where API Engine ignores Engines 3.0 Recovery settings.

API Engine 3.0

Patch 02


Fixes a bug in API Engine where indentation and formatting of XML subtree is not preserved.

API Engine 3.0

Patch 03


Added SASL authentication support for Kafka.

Classic Powerbuilder Engine

Patch 02


Settings related to performance improvements for the PB Engine were not working properly.

This issue has been resolved.

Classic Powerbuilder Engine

Patch 03


Fixes an additional bug related to the Powerbuilder Engine Lazy Load property.

Cloud, Tosca Commander / Test Management Platform

Patch 03


The previously deprecated Tosca Cloud Repository services have been removed from Tosca Commander.

Distributed Execution

Patch 02


DEX with AOS: The import of results was creating additional objects in the database which caused the repository size to increase significantly.

This bug is fixed now.

HOST Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Host Engine 3.0 now works reliably in a virtual environment.

HOST Engine 3.0

Patch 04


Field content clearing no longer interferes with Mainframe systems input validation.

HOST Engine 3.0

Patch 04


When specific multi-page tables are steered, Host Engine 3.0 no longer runs into an endless loop.

JavaFX Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Enables you to scan certain Java 11 FX applications that were not recognized before by XScan.

JavaSwing Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixes a memory leak in the Java Engine that caused performance issues.

JavaSwing Engine 3.0

Patch 05


Upgraded files to further enhance security.

Mobile Engine 3.0

Patch 01


You can now scan applications based on Aura Lightning framework and steer them if you set the XBrowserForMobile TCP to true.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


The AssociatedLabel of link controls on the read-only Details view are now correct.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixed the issue that caused Tosca XScan to crash when scanning a check box inside a table.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixes an issue where the column headers in Related Lists contained the text from the column actions drop-down.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixing incorrect link label in Salesforce Winter' 21 Related Lists.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Quick Actions drop-down menus are now recognized correctly as ComboBoxes.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


List View Picker items now have correct AssociatedLabel values which allow unique identification.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixing Lookup field performance issues in Salesforce Winter' 21 release.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixes an issue where Date Pickers had incorrect AssociatedLabel values.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixes an issue where the AssociatedLabel value of Related Lists contained object counts.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixing the issue of having an incorrect AssociatedLabel captured on Lead conversion page.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Any controls' AssociatedLabel defaults to HTML Engine's AssociatedLabel if Salesforce Engine finds no AssociatedLabel.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixes an issue where Related list Action drop-downs couldn't be recognized uniquely.

Salesforce Engine 3.0

Patch 01


Fixes the issue of incorrect link control AssociatedLabels in Salesforce Lightning Experience console applications.

SAP Engine 3.0

Patch 01


You can now steer combo boxes in SAP Netweaver SRM.

SAP Web Extension 3.0

Patch 03


Soft hyphens for all HTML documents are now hidden by default in controls' properties. This fix removes an automation blocker if you faced issues after upgrading your UI5 version.

TBox Automation Tools

Patch 03


Fixes the issue when JWT authentication tokes expires after one hour.

TBox Platform

Patch 03


Fixes the problem that the parameters HeaderRow and HeaderColumn are automatically added and set to 1 after an XEngines migration of tables. This now only happens if a version is specified on the Module.

Tosca Commander / Test Management Platform

Patch 01


Merge dialog no longer fails if Open Sans isn't installed.

Tosca Commander/ Test Management Platform

Patch 01


Open source libraries for Interactive Testing server are updated to the latest versions.

Tosca Commander/ Test Management Platform

Patch 01


Enhanced security in compliance with Veracode.

Tosca Commander/ Test Management Platform

Patch 03


The option to select a Tosca Cloud Repository has been removed from Tosca Commander.

Tosca qTest Integration

Patch 01


A new option allows you to enable and disable the qTest Integration AddIn. By default, it is disabled.

Tosca qTest Integration

Patch 01


The desired TestEvent destination - qTest Project - will be auto selected and not changeable when linking TestCases of these TestEvents. Connection details will be also reused, and are not changeable. This behavior guides the user to link TestCases to the correct qTest Project with the correct connection details.

Tosca qTest Integration

Patch 01


If Tosca fails to successfully unlink TestEvents from qTest due to missing user rights for the provided qTest user credentials, users will have the chance to retrigger integration tasks once proper rights have been provided, or to provide new qTest user credentials.

Tosca qTest Integration

Patch 01


Tosca now handles the set time window to link Tosca objects to qTest properly and waits for a response for the defined time.

Tosca Testsuite Setup

Patch 02


Fixes incorrect registration of assemblies during setup upgrade installation.

Tosca Testsuite Setup

Patch 02


Fixes an issue when installing unattended using the param ADDLOCAL with no values which would install some optional features when only required features are expected.

XBrowser Engine 3.0

Patch 02


Fixes an issue where XScan could not scan Google Chrome after the Google Chrome v86 update.

XBrowser Engine 3.0

Patch 03


Fixes the problem that HTML Modules could not be rescanned with Chrome.

XBrowser Engine 3.0, XScan Platform

Patch 03


Fixes the problem in XScan that right-clicking while using the select on screen feature does not display a context menu with a list of controls for a specific action point.

XScan Platform

Patch 02


Fixes an issue where XScan crashed while scanning a UIA application and using the select on screen feature.