Database Modules

The Modules DI DB Expert, Open Connection, and Run SQL Statement support you in your Tosca Data Integrity tests with the following functions:




DI DB Expert

Handle all database statements through a single Module.

Tosca Data Integrity Modules And Samples.tsu subset:

Standard modules->TBox XEngines->Database

Open Connection

Establish a connection to a database.

Tosca Data Integrity Modules And Samples.tsu subset:

Standard modules->TBox XEngines->Database

Run SQL Statement

Steer data sets of one or more database tables.

Tricentis Tosca Standard subset:

Standard modules->TBox XEngines->Database

For information on how to use the Modules Open Connection and Run SQL Statement in Tosca DI tests, see chapter "Steer databases".

Use the DI DB Expert Module in Tosca DI tests

Tricentis Tosca offers two types of DB Expert Module to handle your database statements:

  • TBox DB Expert Module

  • DI DB Expert Module in the Tosca Data Integrity Modules And Samples.tsu subset specifically for your Tosca DI tests

The DI DB Expert Module offers the same base functionality as the TBox DB Expert Module. However, it also allows you to use the connections you have saved to the Configurations section in your Tosca DI tests.

Use the DI DB Expert Module

The DI DB Expert Module contains the following ModuleAttributes:




Specify which of your Database connections you want to use for your test.

To do so, click into the Value field and select a connection from the drop-down menu. Note that you can't override the specified connection with dynamic expressions such as buffers or test configuration parameters.

SQL Statement

SQL statement you want to execute.

The SQL Editor lets you create, maintain, and run SQL statements in your TestCases.

Result Table

Verify or buffer values from the result of your SQL statement. For more information on table steering, see chapter "Table".

You can export the result of your SQL Statement into a comma separated file. For more information, see chapter "Export the result of an SQL Statement into a CSV file".

Close Connection

The default value True closes the connection after executing the SQL statement.

If you want to keep the connection open, change the value to False.

This example shows how to query a data source and verify a value in this data source. Tosca DI performs the following actions:

  • It connects to the data source you have defined in the connection Sample connection 1.

  • The SQL statement queries the data source and retrieves all data from the table Customers.

  • It verifies whether the last cell in the first row of the table contains the value Vienna.

DI DB Expert Module - Example