Settings - Logging Options

The following settings can be found under Settings->Engine->Logging Options:

EventLog Level


Specific log messages are sent from the Tosca Base Engine to the Windows Event Log (e.g. serious errors upon start). This setting specifies the level of detail of the error message logs.

The following values can be selected:

Off: no messages are logged.

Errors: errors are logged.

Errors and Warnings:errors and warnings are logged.

Errors, Warnings and Informations: errors, warnings and information messages are logged.



Log buffer Values


This setting specifies the buffer operations (read/write operations) to be logged in the TestResult.xml file.

The following values can be selected:

Off: no buffer operations are logged.

Test data: only buffer operations which are defined in the test data (in the blue or orange section) are logged. This includes for instance reading or specifying a value in an EditBox or using buffer values in TechnicalIDs.

All: additionally logs internal buffer operations required by the system (for instance a WindowHandle of a Microsoft® Windows Internet Explorer window for the Tosca HTML Engine).



Setting Log buffer values to Test data or All overrides the setting Report Successful Execution of when this is set to TestCases. TestSteps with buffer operations appear in the log, though.

Log Level


A debug log is stored in the specified log file directory (see setting "Path to Logfile Directory"). The Log Level setting specifies the level of detail of this log file. Users can for instance trace which methods have been called and in which order, etc.

The following values can be selected:

Off: logging is disabled.

Class Events: every instantiation and disposal of a class in Tosca is logged.

Function Calls: in addition to the class events mentioned above, the entry and exit of methods of Tosca are logged.

Code Debug: This is the most detailed log. In addition to class events and function calls, the execution of various Tosca code blocks is logged.



Log Test Configuration to TestCase Loginfo


This setting specifies whether the test configuration parameter should be written to the log file or not.

The following values can be selected:

Yes:the test configuration is written to the Loginfocolumn of your TestCases.

No:logging is disabled for test configuration.



Log UsedValue for all Actions


This setting specifies which values are logged during the test execution.

The following values can be selected:

Yes: the values used with every ActionMode in the test execution are transferred to the Used value column of the ExecutionList.

No: only the values used with the ActionModes Input and Output are transferred to the Used value column of the ExecutionList upon test execution.



Path to Logfile Directory


Specifies the path where the log files are created.




This setting is not available, if Tricentis File Service is enabled.

Make screenshot on failed teststeps


This setting automatically captures screenshots of certain errors that occur during the test execution.

The following options are available:

Off: no screenshots are taken (default setting).

VerificationFailure: screenshots are taken in case of errors when comparing values (Dialog Error and User Abort are included).

Dialog Failure: screenshots are taken in case of errors where a control or a screen to be steered could not be found (User Abort is included).

User Abort: screenshots are only taken of those errors that occur during a manual abort of a test execution made by the user.



Screenshot directory


Specifies the path where screenshots are saved in case of an error.



Screenshot image format


This setting allows the file format to be specified for screenshots created during test execution.

The following formats are available: bmp, gif, jpg, png, and tiff.

