Log in to Tricentis Cloud from Tosca Commander

To log in to Tricentis Cloud from Tosca Commander, follow the steps below:

  1. In Tosca Commander, switch to the Projects tab.

    This takes you into the options and settings area.

Tosca Commander home view

  1. In the left sidebar, select the option Accounts.

Tricentis Cloud section in options and settings area

  1. In the Tricentis Cloud section of the options and settings area, click on the Log in to Tricentis Cloud link.

  1. In the Tricentis Login dialog which subsequently opens, enter the required information under Email Address and Password.

Sign in with your existing account dialog

  1. Click on Sign In.

    You are now signed into the Cloud through Tosca Commander.

Log out of Tricentis Cloud from Tosca Commander

To log out of Tricentis Cloud from Tosca Commander, follow the steps below:

  1. Close your workspace by navigating to Project ->Close.

  2. Navigate to Projects->Accounts and click the Logout button.

The Logout button is only enabled after you have closed your workspace.