Switch between license types

You can set up different license types on the same machine. For instance, one machine can have access to Cloud licenses and also have licenses checked out.

However, you cannot use multiple license types at once.

For instance, if you work with checked-out licenses, but then need access to licenses in the Cloud, you need to switch the license type.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. In Tosca Commander, navigate to the Project menu and click on License.

  2. Click on Manage.

Manage tab in the License Administration

  1. In the subsequent screen, select the license type you want to switch to from the dropdown menu:

License typeCloud License

  1. In the subsequent screen, click Apply.

    If you are switching to Cloud License or License Server, you need to enter additional information before you can click Apply:

    • Cloud License: Enter your Username and Password. Enter the credentials you use for the Tricentis Support Portal.

    • License Server: Enter Address and Port.

    If you are using a proxy and have enabled the Use default proxy checkbox in the Activate tab, the checkbox is also enabled here.

Switching to license type License Server

Tricentis Tosca then requests the licenses from the selected license type.