Random values: numbers and texts

Random values can be specified for both numbers and text.

Integer values

Integer values can be defined using either one or two parameters.

  • The specified parameter defines the length of the random number. Maximum number of digits: 18


{RND[Length of random number]}

{RND[7]} creates a 7-digit number

  • If two parameters are specified, they define the upper and lower limit of the random number. The lower limit must be less than the upper limit, and negative values are possible. The generated integer is a value that lies between the upper and lower limit and includes boundaries.


{RND[Lower limit][Upper limit]}

{RND[-789][123]} creates an integer number between -789 and 123.


There are two different ways to specify random numbers containing decimal places.

  • One parameter specifies the length of the random number, the other one specifies the number of decimal places.


{RNDDECIMAL[Length of random number][Decimal places]}

{RNDDECIMAL[5][2]} creates a 5-digit random number with two decimal places.

  • The first parameter defines the number of decimal places. The second and the third parameter specify the lower and the upper limit respectively.


{RNDDECIMAL[Decimal places][Lower limit][Upper limit]}

{RNDDECIMAL[4][130][200]} creates an integer number between 130 and 200 with four decimal places.

Random strings

Random character strings are created by using parameters that specify the length of the string. Numbers and letters are generated. The maximum length of the string is limited to 1024.


{RANDOMTEXT[String length]}

Random, unique strings containing current timestamps

Random unique strings can be used for value input. They consist of 16 random numbers and characters, based on the current timestamp.



Example: 5l8o8de07smz00jg

Random strings containing regular expressions

Random character strings can be generated which are limited by regular expressions. The regular expressions must be specified within double quotation marks.


{RANDOMREGEX["Regular expression"]}

{RANDOMREGEX["^[A-Z][a-z]+[0-9]{4}$"]} creates a value that starts with a capital letter between A and Z, followed by any number of lower case letters and exactly four ciphers between 0 and 9. The ^ character marks the beginning of the line, and $ marks the end of the line.

This expression creates for instance Ecqwp1989.