Check Data Integrity Agent logs and reports

Once you have run your tests with the Data Integrity Agent, you can analyze the results. To do so, you can check the logs and error reports that the agent creates.

Check your logs

The logs help you analyze your test results in the following ways:

  • Get a quick overview of the latest activities and current status on the status page.

  • Get detailed information for in-depth analysis from the log files.

Check the status page

To open the status page in your browser, enter the following URL: https://<ip address of your agent>:<port>/status.

Check the log files

Use the log files for a detailed analysis of the different stages of your test execution.

For example, you can check when Tosca Data Integrity connected to the source, the target, or when it started the comparison.

The Data Integrity Agent uses the following format to name the log files: logYYYYMMDD.txt.

For information on where you can find the log files, see chapter "Specify your own log directory".

The Data Integrity Agent doesn't delete any log files. It automatically rotates log files once the existing log files collectively exceed 10 MB.

Check your error reports

Once execution is finished, you can check your error reports in the following locations:

  • Data Integrity Agent machine

  • Tosca Commander

Check reports on the Data Integrity Agent machine

On the machine where the Data Integrity Agent runs, you can open your error reports at the log path in the sub-folder ErrorReports.

Check reports in Tosca Commander

In Tosca Commander, you can find the error report files via the Detail column of the ExecutionEntry TestStep or TestStepValue (see chapter "ask labels Open files you created during execution").

To open the error report in your browser, right-click the line that contains the file link and select Show 'DetailViewer' from the context menu.

If you try to open the CSV file in your browser, you receive a ZIP file to download that contains the CSV files.