Properties of Salesforce Scan Modules

This topic lists the properties and identifiers that you can find on Modules that you created with the Salesforce Scan. These properties distinguish Salesforce Scan Modules from the ones created with Tosca XScan, and help the rescan process.

The Salesforce Scan adds the following properties and identifiers during scanning:

Salesforce Scanner ID

Modules, folders, and controls that you created with Salesforce Scan have the SalesforceScannerId steering property.

This property helps to identify them during a Salesforce rescan.

Root folder TCP

On the root folder of the Salesforce Scan Module structure and on all its child elements, you can see the SalesforceScannerRootFolder TCP with the value True. When you perform a rescan, the Salesforce Scan updates Modules and creates new objects under this root folder.

To rescan Modules that you have scanned prior to 14.1 STS, you can create the TCP SalesforceScannerRootFolder manually on the folder that you want to appoint root folder.

You can have multiple root folders in your workspace but they have to be on the same level in the folder structure. That is, two folders under the same parent item can both be root folders. However, in case of two folders with a parent-child relation, only one of them can be the root folder. The Salesforce Scan always considers the root folder that is highest in the folder structure during a rescan.

If you don't create the SalesforceScannerRootFolder TCP manually, the current folder, on which the rescan was triggered, is assigned the SalesforceScannerRootFolder TCP automatically. This folder is treated as the root folder during future rescans.

Scan indicator properties

Each control in Salesforce Scan Modules has the following properties that show information about the last update on that control:

  • The time when the control was last changed: SalesforceScannerLastChangeTime.

  • The type of the last change made on the control: SalesforceScannerLastChangeType:

    • Updated: Controls that have changed as a result of the rescan.

    • Unchanged: Controls that haven't changed after the rescan. That is, you rescanned these controls but they haven't changed since the previous scan or rescan.

    • Deprecated: This means that the control you tried to rescan has been removed from your Salesforce application and therefore the Salesforce Scan couldn't rescan it. Modules and controls that you created with Tosca XScan and added manually are also Deprecated items.

    • Created: Controls that didn't exist prior to the rescan and therefore were newly created during the rescan.