Create a report definition

In order to create a report, you first need to create a report definition. This is the basic framework of the report within which you can define your datasets and design your report.

To create a report definition, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Reporting section of your Tosca workspace

  2. Right-click on the Reporting folder in which you want to create a report. Select Create Report Definition from the mini toolbar.

    Alternatively, you can select the respective Reporting folder and click Create Object in the dynamic menu Reporting.

    Tosca creates a Report Definition, which automatically includes a Dataset Definition and a Designer Definition.

Create a report definition in My Reports folder

A yellow exclamation mark indicates that you have not yet performed all required actions. You first need to link an object to the report definition and select a designer definition before you can generate a report.

Link an object to the report definition

To generate a report on an object, you need to link it to the report definition. This enables the report to be printed on the Object type level and above.

To do so, drag and drop the object onto the Report Definition folder.

Enable report to be printed on XModule level and above

After dragging and dropping the object, Tosca fills the column Object type with the corresponding object:

Object type column filled

Select a Designer Definition

The Designer Definition specifies how your report will be generated.

To select a Designer Definition, right-click on <Designer Definition undefined> and click Create Designer Definition.... Choose one of the following options:

  • Default

    The Default setting allows you to design your report with Report Designer via the default List & Label tool. You can edit the content and formatting of your report using this tool (see the third party manual List & Label® 21).

  • XML Export

    This option creates an XML document containing all generated information.

  • Excel Export

    This option creates a worksheet in Microsoft Excel® containing all generated information for every Dataset Definition.

  • Crystal Reports

    This setting opens the program Crystal Reports® 2008 in order to create a report. You must have Crystal Reports® 2008 or Crystal Reports® Runtime installed for this option to appear. These programs are not part of the Tricentis Tosca product package and must be installed separately.

    If you use Crystal Reports® Runtime, reports can be printed but not designed.

Default Designer Definition

Once you have selected a Designer Definition the exclamation mark on Report Definition will disappear.

Clear a selected Designer Definition

You can clear a selected Designer Definition by right-clicking on Designer Definition and selecting Clear Designer Definition... from the context menu. Any report designs you have made will be deleted if you clear the Designer Definition.

Import pre-built reports

The Standard subset contains pre-built reports that will be available in the Reporting section once you have imported the subset (see chapter "Import and export subsets").

You can also create reports and export them for use in other workspaces.

The simplest way to create a report is to import and modify a pre-built report. For an example of how to do this, see chapter "Example - Create report"

Assign PrintGroup

Administrators can assign Report Definitions to specific user groups. In this case, only members of this user group will be able to create reports for the corresponding report definitions.

You must have administrative rights to assign a print group (see chapter "Manage projects").

To assign a print group to a Report Definition, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your project window by clicking Project in the Home menu. Open the Usermanagement tab.

  2. Select the required user group.

  3. Drag and drop the user group onto the respective Report Definition.

  4. In the subsequent popup menu, select the option Assign PrintGroup.

    Assign PrintGroup

You can see the assigned user group in the Properties pane under PrintGroupName. The dropdown menu shows all existing user groups, and the property IsPrintAllowed indicates whether a particular group has permission to print reports.

PrintGroupName property