Work with Inner Values

Inner Values are used for risk weighting in the TestCase-Design section. Using a risk-based approach can help you to make a meaningful assessment of the contribution of individual TestCases to the sum of all TestCases, and to the status of the entire test.

Tricentis Tosca calculates Inner Values based on Instance position.

Enable Inner Values

To weigh risk and calculate test coverage in TestCase-Design, Inner Values must be enabled in the Options dialog. To do so, navigate to Project -> Options -> TestCase-Design and select Inner Values enabled.

Enable Inner Values in Options dialog

Inner Value columns

There are several columns in the TestCase-Design section of Tricentis Tosca that are relevant for Inner Values, all of which have to do with weight and risk calculations. You can add or remove these columns in the Details view via the Column Chooser.

Inner Value (%) column

Tricentis Tosca calculates the Inner Values based on the Instance position. For example, a StraightThrough Instance will be weighted more heavily than other Instances because it carries more business risk if it fails. Inner Values are useful when building TestCases with a risk-based approach.

Weight column

The Weight column shows the importance of an Attribute or Instance as compared to other Attributes or Instances on the same TestSheet level.

You can change weights manually by clicking into the relevant Weight input field and entering a new weight.

If you manually change a weight in the TestCase-Design section, you also have to update the weights in the Requirements section. To do so, navigate to the Requirements dynamic menu and select Update Weights on the Requirement level. The updated weights are displayed in the Weight column.

Update weights in Requirements section

Relative Weight (%) column

This weight is calculated relative to the parent Instance or Attribute, such that the child objects add up to 100%.

Contribution (%) column

The contribution column calculates how much each Instance or Attribute contributes, in percentage, to the TestSheet as a whole.

Update Weights

If you have manually changed weights in your TestSheet, update your Instance weights in order to trigger a re-calculation based on your changes. To do this, right-click on your TestSheet and select Update instance weights from the context menu.

Update instance weights

Reset WeightLack

A WeightLack is a value that shows how much an unused Instance would influence the TestSheet Contribution (%) if it were included in the contribution calculation. Resetting the WeightLack accepts this value and normalizes the TestCase contribution to 1.

To reset the WeightLack, right-click on a TestSheet or TestCase-Design Class and select Reset WeightLack from the context menu.

Reset WeightLack