Connect to Exploratory Testing Server

To be able to invite exploratory testers to a session and to import their test results into Tosca Commander, you have to be a session owner and connected to the Exploratory Testing Server.

Establish a connection to the Exploratory Testing Server

To connect to the Exploratory Testing Server, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click onto the project root element and select the option Connect to Exploratory Testing Server from the context menu.

Establishing a connection to the Exploratory Testing Server

  1. Enter the server endpoint into the subsequent dialog box and confirm your input by clicking on the OK button. The server endpoint entered here is saved to the setting ServerEndpointAddress.

Specifying the server endpoint

The system connects to the Exploratory Testing Server:

The connection to the server has been established

  1. Click on the OK button to close this window.

Specify Exploratory Testing Server settings

Specify the Proxy Address and the Server Endpoint Address in the Tosca Commander Settings dialog at Commander->ExploratoryTesting (see chapter "Settings - Exploratory Testing").