BASE I Keywords

Keywords allow individual steering requirements to be easily integrated into an engine. Specific keywords are mainly used for steering screens (TestAction layer). From a technical point of view, these are VB script files which are executed by the engine upon test execution.

Modules containing keywords can be downloaded from the Tosca Exchange Portal and imported into Tosca Commander™ workspaces as a subset. The creation of keywords is described in chapter "BASE I Creating keywords".

  • The keyword files must be available in the directory of the Tosca Commander™ project that is used for test execution.

    In Tosca Commander™ standard installations, this directory is by default located at %TRICENTIS_PROJECTS%\ToscaCommander\Keywords.

  • Keywords are used in the Modules section in Tosca Commander™.

Overview of the process

To understand the following process you have to know the process diagrams in chapter "Executing business-based objects".

  1. The kwdHandler checks, if a specific keyword exists in the specified directory for execution (see chapter "Settings - Keyword").

  2. The expected name of the keyword is testAction.definition.shortName (the short term of the ObjectMap).

Switch to a keyword